Работы продаются по цене менее 2 000 $

151 326 Оригинальные произведения искусства, ограниченные тиражи и принты: [...]

151 326 Оригинальные произведения искусства, ограниченные тиражи и принты:

Discover original contemporary artworks from 2 000 $ on Artmajeur

Contemporary art has always been a reflection of our current society and its ever-changing values. Original contemporary artworks from 2 000 $ embody this spirit perfectly, pushing the boundaries of creativity and imagination. These artworks come in different forms, from paintings to sculptures, and use a diverse range of supports and materials such as canvas, paper, wood, and metal. What sets these original artworks apart is their uniqueness. Each piece is a one-of-a-kind creation that captures the artist’s vision and emotions, making it impossible to replicate. Furthermore, original artworks  from 2 000 $ are a testament to the artist’s skill and creativity, showcasing their ability to create something truly extraordinary.

Картина,  23,4x18,9 in
紫炫-2 Violet Fantasy-2 Картина, 23,4x18,9 in
©2024 Hongfeng Guo

Origins and History

From the emergence of the avant-garde movements in the early 20th century to the digital revolution of the 21st, artists have continuously pushed the boundaries of creativity and expression. Artmajeur offers an eclectic selection of both traditional and modern artworks from 2 000 $.

Отпечатки и Гравюры,  27,6x19,7 in
ST Отпечатки и Гравюры, 27,6x19,7 in
©2024 Pablo Picasso Художник, в лице (представленный - прим.перев.) Artmajeur

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Over the past few years, original contemporary artworks from 2 000 $ have undergone a significant evolution. These pieces often incorporate digital technology and new media, pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms. They are important in the contemporary art market because they represent a shift towards a more diverse and inclusive art world. These artworks offer a fresh perspective and challenge the traditional norms of the art world. They also provide a platform for underrepresented artists to showcase their work and gain recognition. As the art world continues to evolve, the importance of original contemporary artworks will only continue to grow.

Картина,  39,4x27,6 in
Listening to the melody Картина, 39,4x27,6 in
©2024 Nadiia Antoniuk

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary artists have been producing original works of art that have pushed the boundaries of traditional art forms. One of the most well-known contemporary artists is Banksy, a mysterious street artist who has gained international recognition for his politically charged graffiti art. Banksy’s works often address social and political issues, and his anonymity has only added to his cult-like following.

Another prominent contemporary artist is Yayoi Kusama, a Japanese artist known for her use of bright colors and repetitive patterns. Her installations, paintings, and sculptures often explore themes of infinity and the human condition. Her work has been exhibited in museums and galleries around the world, and she has become a sensation in the contemporary art world.

Jeff Koons is another contemporary artist who has gained widespread recognition for his unique and often controversial works. Koons’ sculptures often feature everyday objects such as balloons and toys, reimagined in a larger-than-life scale. His work challenges the traditional notions of what art is and can be, and has been the subject of much critical debate.

Ai Weiwei is a Chinese contemporary artist whose work often addresses issues of human rights and political activism. Ai’s installations and sculptures have been exhibited in museums around the world, and his outspoken criticism of the Chinese government has made him a controversial figure in the art world.

Finally, Damien Hirst is a British artist known for his provocative and often shocking works. Hirst’s work often explores themes of mortality and the fragility of life, and he has become known for his use of unconventional materials such as dead animals and medical equipment. His work has been the subject of much critical debate, but he remains one of the most influential contemporary artists of our time.

Картина,  15,8x15,8 in
Eva Картина, 15,8x15,8 in
©2024 Adriangt

Notable original contemporary artworks around 2 000 $

Theses amazing artworks were probably available around 2 000 $ originally, but as prices tend increase overtime, they are now worth way more!

  1. "Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh, 1889 - This iconic painting depicts a starry night sky over a small town. The use of swirling brushstrokes and vibrant colors creates a dreamlike atmosphere that captures the imagination of the viewer.

  2. "The Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali, 1931 - This surrealist masterpiece features melting clocks draped over objects in a barren landscape. The distorted imagery creates a sense of timelessness and invites the viewer to question reality.

  3. "Campbell’s Soup Cans" by Andy Warhol, 1962 - This series of paintings features repeated images of Campbell’s Soup cans in bright colors. The work is considered a commentary on consumer culture and the role of art in society.

  4. "Guernica" by Pablo Picasso, 1937 - This powerful anti-war painting depicts the bombing of the Spanish town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. The fragmented imagery and distorted figures convey the horror and chaos of the event.

  5. "No. 5, 1948" by Jackson Pollock, 1948 - This abstract expressionist painting features drips and splatters of paint on a large canvas. The work is considered a representation of the artist’s unconscious mind and the process of creation.

  6. "Untitled (I Shop Therefore I Am)" by Barbara Kruger, 1987 - This conceptual artwork features a photograph of a model overlaid with the text "I Shop Therefore I Am". The work is considered a critique of consumerism and the commodification of identity.

  7. "Untitled (Portrait of Ross in L.A.)" by Felix Gonzalez-Torres, 1991 - This minimalist installation features a pile of individually wrapped candy that viewers are encouraged to take. The work is considered a meditation on loss and the fragility of life.

  8. "The Gates" by Christo and Jeanne-Claude, 2005 - This large-scale installation featured thousands of gates draped with orange fabric in New York City’s Central Park. The work is considered a celebration of beauty and the power of public art.

  9. "Untitled (Perfect Lovers)" by Felix Gonzalez-Torres, 1987-1990 - This conceptual artwork features two identical clocks side by side, ticking in perfect unison. The work is considered a meditation on love, loss, and the passage of time.

  10. "Balloon Dog (Orange)" by Jeff Koons, 1994-2000 - This sculpture features a large, shiny orange balloon dog. The work is considered a commentary on popular culture and the value of art in a consumer-driven society.

Наиболее актуальными | Более свежие

Картина под названием "紫炫-2 Violet Fantasy…" - Hongfeng Guo, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
紫炫-2 Violet Fantasy-2 - Картина, 23,4x18,9 in ©2024 - Hongfeng Guo - Abstract, abstract-570, Красочный, 紫, purple

Hongfeng Guo

"紫炫-2 Violet Fantasy-2"

Акрил на картон | 23,4x18,9 in

1 475,66 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "Eva" - Adriangt, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревянная рама для носилок
Eva - Картина, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 - Adriangt - Figurative, figurative-594, Женские портреты, art, femaleportrait, portraits, acryliconcanvas, acrylicpainting, cubanart, artist, cubanartist, retratofemenino, geometricart, realism, figurative



Картина на Холст | 15,8x15,8 in

1 062,5 $
Картина под названием "MALTA study I" - Andrea Reichhart, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревянная р…
MALTA study I - Картина, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 - Andrea Reichhart - Abstract, abstract-570, Геометральный, abstrakt, geometrisch, modern, minimalistisch, sanft, soft, pastell, beige, terra, hell, braun, taupe, boho, contemporary

Andrea Reichhart

"MALTA study I"

Акрил на Холст | 31,5x23,6 in

1 825,77 $
Картина под названием "Cubo de Rubik con o…" - Juan Álvarez Cebrián, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло Установлен на Д…
Cubo de Rubik con objetos - Картина, 11,1x25,6 in ©2020 - Juan Álvarez Cebrián - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Натюрморт, decorativo, luz, color, textura, composicion, objetos, historia, vintage, cubo, geometria

Juan Álvarez Cebrián

"Cubo de Rubik con objetos"

Масло на Льняной холст | 11,1x25,6 in

1 446,52 $
Картина под названием "Lac de Saint Guerin" - Ophélie Vaganay, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
Lac de Saint Guerin - Картина, 27,6x27,6 in ©2023 - Ophélie Vaganay - Figurative, figurative-594, Горный пейзаж

Ophélie Vaganay

"Lac de Saint Guerin"

Масло на Льняной холст | 27,6x27,6 in

1 592,3 $
Картина под названием "Soft Coral was crea…" - Olga Nikitina, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло Установлен на Деревянн…
Soft Coral was created underwater at the depth of 7 meters - Картина, 19,7x19,7 in ©2023 - Olga Nikitina - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Рыба, fish painting, fish art, fish artwork, underwater painting, underwater art, coral painting, coral reef, palette knife art, impasto painting, oil painting, marine art, marine life painting, sealife art, sea life painting, ocean art, impressionism, olganikitinart

Olga Nikitina

"Soft Coral was created underwater at the depth of 7 meters"

Картина на Холст | 19,7x19,7 in

2 231 $
Картина под названием "Original oil painti…" - Елизавета Пугачева, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Дер…
Original oil painting "Starting Point" - Картина, 47,2x39,4 in ©2024 - Елизавета Пугачева - Abstract, abstract-570, Повседневная жизнь, blue art, loneliness, wall, landscape, moon, abyss, precipice, experience, feeling, emotion

Елизавета Пугачева

"Original oil painting "Starting Point""

Акрил на Холст | 47,2x39,4 in

1 829 $
Картина под названием "The Acid Queen" - Piotr Kachny, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
The Acid Queen - Картина, 47,2x31,5 in ©2024 - Piotr Kachny - Figurative, figurative-594, Геометральный,

Piotr Kachny

"The Acid Queen"

Картина на Холст | 47,2x31,5 in

1 386,6 $
Доступные печатные версии
Рисунок под названием "Woman Facing Obstac…" - Edwin Loftus, Подлинное произведение искусства, Пастель
Woman Facing Obstacles - Рисунок, 14x11 in ©2024 - Edwin Loftus - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Америка, Woman, obstacle, freedom

Edwin Loftus

"Woman Facing Obstacles"

Пастель на картон | 14x11 in

1 076 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "Don't try. Do!" - Nadiia Antoniuk, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
Don't try. Do! - Картина, 59,1x37,4 in ©2024 - Nadiia Antoniuk - Impressionism, impressionism-603, город, contemporary yellow grey, grey color scheme, grey interior art, modern yellow grey, yellow grey abstract art, yellow grey art, yellow grey decor, yellow grey modern, yellow grey painting, yellow grey wall, Bridge Painting, City Bridge, Modern Bridge, Bridge Scenery, Bridge View, River Bridge, Abstract Bridge, Bridge Architecture, Bridge Landscape, Urban Bridge

Nadiia Antoniuk

"Don't try. Do!"

Акрил на Холст | 59,1x37,4 in

2 258,22 $
Картина под названием "《藏起来》之 5" - 心明 朱, Подлинное произведение искусства, Травление
《藏起来》之 5 - Картина, 39,4x31,5 in ©2015 - 心明 朱 - Classicism, classicism-933,

心明 朱

"《藏起来》之 5"

Травление на Кожа | 39,4x31,5 in

10 474 $
Картина под названием "Картина маслом на х…" - Евгения Дувакина, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
Картина маслом на холсте по фото Дикая красота Ручная работа - Картина, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 - Евгения Дувакина - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Женские портреты, картина портрет, картины холст портреты, картина портрет жены, женские портреты картины, картины портреты дам, картина маслом портрет, картины портреты купить, заказать картину портрет, портрет женщины картины, картина портрет дамы, картины жанр портрет, подарок картина портрет, картина гепард, картина в интерьер, картина в подарок, картина с животными, современная картина маслом, картина с девушкой, интерьерная картина маслом, картина портрет девушки

Евгения Дувакина

"Картина маслом на холсте по фото Дикая красота Ручная работа"

Масло на Холст | 31,5x23,6 in

1 953,65 $
Отпечатки и Гравюры под названием "ST" - Pablo Picasso, Подлинное произведение искусства, Литография
ST - Отпечатки и Гравюры, 27,6x19,7 in ©2024 - Pablo Picasso - Cubism, cubism-582, Женские портреты, picasso

Pablo Picasso


Отпечатки и Гравюры на Бумага | 27,6x19,7 in

1 423,56 $
Картина под названием "Original oil painti…" - Елизавета Пугачева, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло Установлен на Дер…
Original oil painting "Hide and Seek" - Картина, 35,4x35,4 in ©2024 - Елизавета Пугачева - Figurative, figurative-594, Животное, cow, forest, birch forest, birch, cows, blue art, black and white painting, animals art, animals forest, woodland

Елизавета Пугачева

"Original oil painting "Hide and Seek""

Масло на Холст | 35,4x35,4 in

1 629 $
Картина под названием "SUNGLASSES" - Christelle Riffet (Céhère), Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Дерев…
SUNGLASSES - Картина, 39,4x31,5 in ©2024 - Christelle Riffet (Céhère) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Знаменитости Портреты, david bowie, portrait, popart, fantaisie, orange, celebrity, music, bd

Christelle Riffet (Céhère)


Акрил на Холст | 39,4x31,5 in

1 540,21 $
Картина под названием "Het melkmeisje cont…" - Tomoya Nakano, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло Установлен на Деревянн…
Het melkmeisje contemporary after Essential Vermee - Картина, 23,9x19,7 in ©2020 - Tomoya Nakano - Figurative, figurative-594, Портрет, Het melkmeisje, Hetmelkmeisje, Essential Vermeer, EssentialVermeer, Vermeer, girl, abstract, abstract portrait, portrait, portraiture, figure, figurative, oil

Tomoya Nakano

"Het melkmeisje contemporary after Essential Vermee"

Масло на Холст | 23,9x19,7 in

1 923 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "Contemporary portra…" - Nataliya Bagatskaya, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
Contemporary portrait "Stop!.." - Картина, 23,6x31,5 in ©2024 - Nataliya Bagatskaya - Figurative, figurative-594, Женские портреты, Urban pop art, Art of the day, Beautiful woman, Cheerful painting, Contemporary realism, Inspirational artwork, Joyful moments, Lifestyle art, Mona Lisa face, Modern clothes, Realistic figurative, caffee, motel, road, dark sky, Medium size

Nataliya Bagatskaya

"Contemporary portrait "Stop!..""

Акрил на Холст | 23,6x31,5 in

1 616,09 $
Картина под названием ""IM GLANZE DES RUHM…" - Yaroslav Kurbanov, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
"IM GLANZE DES RUHMS" - Картина, 19,7x19,7 in ©2021 - Yaroslav Kurbanov - Geometric, geometric-572, Спорт, Olympic Games, puzzles, fractal, gift, transgender, multicolored, globalism

Yaroslav Kurbanov


Акрил на Доска МДФ | 19,7x19,7 in

1 367,48 $
Картина под названием "Tropical bird IV" - Kosta Morr, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревянная рама…
Tropical bird IV - Картина, 31,5x31,5 in ©2024 - Kosta Morr - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Птица, bird, tropical, forest, rainforest

Kosta Morr

"Tropical bird IV"

Акрил на Холст | 31,5x31,5 in

1 414,5 $
Картина под названием "Grey face" - Paskal Duhamel (Paskal Hotman), Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
Grey face - Картина, 41,7x25,6 in ©2022 - Paskal Duhamel (Paskal Hotman) - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Портрет,

Paskal Duhamel (Paskal Hotman)

"Grey face"

Акрил на Бумага | 41,7x25,6 in

1 921,86 $
Картина под названием "Moulin Rouge" - Yass, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
Moulin Rouge - Картина, 40x40 in ©2024 - Yass - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Пейзаж, landscape painting, paris painting, france painting, french art, moulin rouge art


"Moulin Rouge"

Масло на Холст | 40x40 in

1 522 $
Рисунок под названием "Nel Profondo" - Nicola De Luca, Подлинное произведение искусства, Графит Установлен на Другая жесткая…
Nel Profondo - Рисунок, 23,6x7,9 in ©2024 - Nicola De Luca - Figurative, figurative-594, Женские портреты, Donna, grafite, argento, acrilico, bellezza, monocromatico

Nicola De Luca

"Nel Profondo"

Графит на картон | 23,6x7,9 in

2 072,49 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "Yayoi Kusama 50" - Kyrylo Bondarenko, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
Yayoi Kusama 50 - Картина, 18,5x14,6 in ©2024 - Kyrylo Bondarenko - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Женские портреты, Yayoi Kusama, geisha, balls, female portrait, grandmother, girl, woman, circles, Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons, David Hockney, Damien Hirst, Takashi Murakami, Gerhard Richter

Kyrylo Bondarenko

"Yayoi Kusama 50"

Картина на Бумага | 18,5x14,6 in

1 472,26 $
Картина под названием "Blue and black comp…" - Luis Medina, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревянная…
Blue and black composition - Картина, 31,9x25,6 in ©2024 - Luis Medina - Abstract, abstract-570, Красочный, abstract, minimal, blue, colorful, canvas, framed, contemporary

Luis Medina

"Blue and black composition"

Акрил на Холст | 31,9x25,6 in

1 767,84 $
Картина под названием "Listening to the me…" - Nadiia Antoniuk, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревя…
Listening to the melody - Картина, 39,4x27,6 in ©2024 - Nadiia Antoniuk - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Красочный, green abstract, green yellow abstract, yellow green abstract, autumn birches, autumn forest, autumn trees, forest abstracts, green art, green artwork, green painting, pollock style, yellow green art, birches, pollock, trees

Nadiia Antoniuk

"Listening to the melody"

Акрил на Холст | 39,4x27,6 in

1 616,09 $
Картина под названием "Better Days Ahead" - Roger Quesnel, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревянная…
Better Days Ahead - Картина, 30x24 in ©2024 - Roger Quesnel - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Абстрактное, cloudscape painting, monochromatic, black and white, storm clouds, dramatic sky, atmospheric, atmosphere, intense, energy, swirling storm clouds, cloud movement, moody, dark, sombre, powerful, dramatic clouds, contrast, cloudscape, clouds

Roger Quesnel

"Better Days Ahead"

Акрил на Холст | 30x24 in

1 818,81 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "Rose - 751" - Aykaz Arzumanyan, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло Установлен на Деревянная рама…
Rose - 751 - Картина, 21,7x18,1 in ©2023 - Aykaz Arzumanyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Абстрактное, Aykaz Arzumanyan, art contemporain, oeuvre d'art

Aykaz Arzumanyan

"Rose - 751"

Картина на Льняной холст | 21,7x18,1 in

1 736,13 $
Картина под названием "Sacha 30" - L.Roche, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
Sacha 30 - Картина, 19,7x27,6 in ©2024 - L.Roche - Кошка, cat, chat, gato, street cat, kitten, kitty, portrait chat


"Sacha 30"

Акрил на Другой субстрат | 19,7x27,6 in

1 573,05 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "Dawn" - Iryna Lupashchenko, Подлинное произведение искусства, Гуашь
Dawn - Картина, 16,9x24 in ©2021 - Iryna Lupashchenko -

Iryna Lupashchenko


Гуашь на Бумага | 16,9x24 in

1 511 $
Доступные печатные версии
Скульптура под названием "Corps de femme" - Jean Pierre Picheny, Подлинное произведение искусства, Смола
Corps de femme - Скульптура, 29,1x21,3 in ©2024 - Jean Pierre Picheny - Figurative, figurative-594,

Jean Pierre Picheny

"Corps de femme"

Скульптура - artwork_cat. | 29,1x21,3 in

2 343,15 $
Картина под названием "FLEUR" - Joshua Soleimani, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревянная рама для…
FLEUR - Картина, 13x13 in ©2023 - Joshua Soleimani - Abstract, abstract-570, Красочный, original, modern, contemporary, colorful, texture, silk, cement, luminescent, neon, wall art, home decor, collage, textiles

Joshua Soleimani


Акрил на Холст | 13x13 in

1 438 $
Картина под названием "Sunny Day" - Yass, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
Sunny Day - Картина, 48x36 in ©2024 - Yass - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Поп-культура, Popart, andy warhol, banksy


"Sunny Day"

Картина на Холст | 48x36 in

1 628 $
Картина под названием "soul copper sculptu…" - Armen Ghazayran (Nem), Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
soul copper sculpture - Картина, 24x18 in ©2024 - Armen Ghazayran (Nem) - Abstract, abstract-570, Абстрактное

Armen Ghazayran (Nem)

"soul copper sculpture"

Акрил на картон | 24x18 in

1 139 $
Картина под названием "Модница" - Olha Yerofeieva, Подлинное произведение искусства, Пастель
Модница - Картина, 20,1x13,8 in ©1999 - Olha Yerofeieva - Abstract, abstract-570, Повседневная жизнь, мода, прическа, fashion, ukrainian art, oil pastel

Olha Yerofeieva


Пастель на Бумага | 20,1x13,8 in

1 271,8 $
Картина под названием "two women in heels…" - Elina Evstig, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
two women in heels and headbands - Картина, 39,4x31,5 in ©2024 - Elina Evstig -

Elina Evstig

"two women in heels and headbands"

Масло на Холст | 39,4x31,5 in

1 995,48 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "Forever Point" - Cheryl Harrison, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
Forever Point - Картина, 55,1x66,9 in ©2024 - Cheryl Harrison - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Морской пейзаж, beach, teal, white, ochre, pink

Cheryl Harrison

"Forever Point"

Акрил на Холст | 55,1x66,9 in

1 688,62 $


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