Сюрреалистические работы на продажу

37 868 Оригинальные произведения искусства, ограниченные тиражи и принты: [...]

37 868 Оригинальные произведения искусства, ограниченные тиражи и принты:

Discover original contemporary Surrealism artworks on Artmajeur

Original contemporary Surrealism artworks are a fascinating and captivating genre of art that uses imagination to create dreamlike and often bizarre images. Surrealism artists often use unconventional materials such as oil, acrylic, and mixed media on canvas, paper, or wood. These materials are often manipulated to create unique textures, shapes, and colors that add depth and dimension to the artwork. What sets Surrealism apart from other art movements is its ability to challenge the viewer’s perception of reality and to evoke strong emotions through its use of symbolism, juxtaposition, and distorted imagery. Surrealism artworks often leave the viewer with a sense of wonder and mystery, inviting them to explore their own unconscious mind and the deeper meanings behind the artwork.

Картина,  48x36 in
Technological Muse Картина, 48x36 in
©2024 Yass

Origins and History

Original contemporary Surrealism artworks emerged in the early 1920s, in the aftermath of World War I. This movement was a reaction to the rationalism and logic of the Enlightenment era, and its aim was to explore the unconscious mind and the irrational aspects of human psyche. Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, and Rene Magritte were some of the most important artists of the Surrealist movement, which peaked in the 1930s.

Картина,  41,3x29,5 in
Dream #6 From the cycle "Strange dreams of Zhanna" Картина, 41,3x29,5 in
©2024 Стас Прохорцев (Stanislav Prokhortsev)

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

The recent evolution of original contemporary Surrealism artworks has been marked by a renewed interest in the works of the early Surrealist artists of the 20th century. This has led to a resurgence in the use of traditional Surrealist techniques such as automatism and the exploration of the subconscious mind.

Картина,  51,7x29,5 in
Elegance in Bloom: Lady with a Bird Картина, 51,7x29,5 in
©2018 Asel

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary Surrealism is an art movement that continues to captivate audiences with its dreamy, enigmatic and sometimes unsettling imagery. Here are some of the most notable artists known for their original contemporary Surrealism artworks.

First on the list is Mark Ryden, a prominent American artist whose works are characterized by their intricate details, pastel color palette and macabre undertones. His paintings often feature surreal and fantastical elements, such as anatomical anomalies, religious symbolism and pop culture references.

Salvador Dali, a Spanish painter who is perhaps the most famous Surrealist artist of all time, continues to inspire contemporary artists with his iconic melting clocks, distorted landscapes and bizarre creatures. His legacy lives on through the works of artists who incorporate similar themes and techniques into their own Surrealist creations.

Another notable artist is Audrey Kawasaki, a Japanese-American painter who combines elements of classical Japanese art with contemporary Surrealism. Her paintings often feature ethereal female figures with elongated limbs and delicate features, set against hauntingly beautiful landscapes.

Canadian artist Kris Kuksi is known for his incredibly detailed sculptures that resemble miniature Gothic cathedrals. His works are often made from found objects and feature intricate carvings and engravings that reveal a dark and fantastical world.

Finally, French artist Nathalie Lété creates whimsical and charming works that are inspired by fairy tales, vintage illustrations and folk art. Her paintings and sculptures often feature anthropomorphic animals, surreal landscapes and playful patterns, all rendered in a bright and cheerful color palette.

Overall, these contemporary artists exemplify the diversity and creativity of Surrealist art, incorporating elements of fantasy, myth and the subconscious to create works that are both beautiful and thought-provoking.

Картина,  15,8x11,8 in
The Kiss Картина, 15,8x11,8 in
©2024 Ta Byrne

Notable original contemporary Surrealism artworks

One of the most well-known contemporary Surrealism artworks is "The Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali, created in 1931. This famous painting depicts melting clocks draped over various objects in a barren landscape, symbolizing the fluidity of time and the subconscious mind.

Another notable work is "The Treachery of Images" by Rene Magritte, painted in 1928-29. This piece features a hyper-realistic image of a pipe, accompanied by the text "Ceci n’est pas une pipe" (This is not a pipe), challenging the viewer’s perception of reality and the limitations of language.

Yves Tanguy’s "Indefinite Divisibility" from 1942 is a haunting landscape of surreal forms that appear to be both organic and mechanical, evoking a sense of otherworldliness and the unknown.

In 1937, Max Ernst created "The Robing of the Bride," a dreamlike depiction of a nude woman being dressed in a strange, bird-like ensemble by a group of faceless figures. This painting explores themes of transformation, gender roles, and the subconscious mind.

Frida Kahlo’s "The Two Fridas," painted in 1939, is a deeply personal and symbolic self-portrait of the artist as two versions of herself, split down the middle and connected by a visible artery. This work explores themes of identity, duality, and the emotional turmoil of the artist’s life.

Overall, these Surrealist artworks challenge the viewer’s perception of reality and delve into the depths of the human psyche, evoking a sense of wonder, mystery, and intrigue.

Наиболее актуальными | Более свежие

Картина под названием "Technological Muse" - Yass, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
Technological Muse - Картина, 48x36 in ©2024 - Yass - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Технологии, Cyborg art, nude art, futuristic art, banksy


"Technological Muse"

Картина на Холст | 48x36 in

1 629 $
Картина под названием "The Kiss" - Ta Byrne, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
The Kiss - Картина, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 - Ta Byrne - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Любовь, love, portrait, the kiss, ready to hang, red, surreal, oil painting

Ta Byrne

"The Kiss"

Масло на Холст | 15,8x11,8 in

1 519,93 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "After dark" - Margarita Ivanova, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло Установлен на Деревянная рам…
After dark - Картина, 31,5x31,5 in ©2024 - Margarita Ivanova - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Портрет, woman, dark, monochrome, portait, eys

Margarita Ivanova

"After dark"

Масло на Льняной холст | 31,5x31,5 in

4 715 $
Картина под названием "Bluesy Moon" - Victoria Wallace, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
Bluesy Moon - Картина, 16x16 in ©2023 - Victoria Wallace - Surrealism, surrealism-627, фантастический, moon, moon art, the blues

Victoria Wallace

"Bluesy Moon"

Акрил на Холст | 16x16 in

833,27 $
Картина под названием "In Missione" - Vincenzo Marino, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
In Missione - Картина, 39,4x31,5 in ©2020 - Vincenzo Marino - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Кино, Blues Brothers, cinema, surreale

Vincenzo Marino

"In Missione"

Картина на Холст | 39,4x31,5 in

1 318,41 $
Картина под названием "Rey mago" - Julia Eulogia Merle Tortora, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревя…
Rey mago - Картина, 33,9x48 in ©2024 - Julia Eulogia Merle Tortora - Surrealism, surrealism-627, figurativo, abstracto

Julia Eulogia Merle Tortora

"Rey mago"

Картина на Доска МДФ | 33,9x48 in

3 800,39 $
Картина под названием "The Bijouterie in T…" - Gela Mikava, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
The Bijouterie in The Flowers - Картина, 39,4x31,5 in ©2024 - Gela Mikava - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Абстрактное, wealth, luxury, materialism, earrings, precious stones, societal values, opulence, visual metaphors, social standing, introspection, glamour, material possessions, green, flowers details, modern surrealism, contemporary surrealism, social justice, art collector, gallery, exhibition

Gela Mikava

"The Bijouterie in The Flowers"

Акрил на Холст | 39,4x31,5 in

2 483,12 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "Framed Portraits" - Hüseyin Ak, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
Framed Portraits - Картина, 55,1x70,9 in ©2022 - Hüseyin Ak - Surrealism, surrealism-627, фантастический, fantasy, surreal, dark, blue, surrealism, large, human, body, female, woman, love, black, emotion, vivid

Hüseyin Ak

"Framed Portraits"

Масло на Холст | 55,1x70,9 in

2 986 $
Скульптура под названием "sacima" - Lucrezio, Подлинное произведение искусства, Смола
sacima - Скульптура, 27,6x19,7 in ©2024 - Lucrezio - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Мировая культура, 社会, 身份, 雕塑, sacima, shaqima, schima, 彩色, 喷漆, 电镀, 伪电镀, 装饰, 立体, 结构, 当代, 当代艺术, 现代, 现代艺术, 装置, 装置艺术, 象征



Скульптура - Смола | 27,6x19,7 in

48 389,55 $
Картина под названием "C' est la vie" - Vincenzo Marino, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
C' est la vie - Картина, 39,4x31,5 in ©2021 - Vincenzo Marino - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Кино, Pulp Finction, Cinema, Pop, Ballo, Amore

Vincenzo Marino

"C' est la vie"

Акрил на Холст | 39,4x31,5 in

1 318,41 $
Картина под названием "Ultraa" - Peter Pitout, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло Установлен на Деревянная рама для нос…
Ultraa - Картина, 39,4x31,9 in ©2023 - Peter Pitout - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Любовь, love, menlancholy, melancholia, isolation, depression, lonliness, effondrement, heartache

Peter Pitout


Масло на Холст | 39,4x31,9 in

1 328,66 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "BrainGate Diva" - Dr. Magdalena Laabs, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло Установлен на Деревянн…
BrainGate Diva - Картина, 39,4x31,5 in ©2024 - Dr. Magdalena Laabs - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Женские портреты, Groteske

Dr. Magdalena Laabs

"BrainGate Diva"

Масло на Льняной холст | 39,4x31,5 in

12 151,47 $
11 809,91 $
Картина под названием "Dream #6 From the c…" - Стас Прохорцев (Stanislav Prokhortsev), Подлинное произведение искусства, Мас…
Dream #6 From the cycle "Strange dreams of Zhanna" - Картина, 41,3x29,5 in ©2024 - Стас Прохорцев (Stanislav Prokhortsev) - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Портрет,

Стас Прохорцев (Stanislav Prokhortsev)

"Dream #6 From the cycle "Strange dreams of Zhanna""

Картина на Холст | 41,3x29,5 in

5 938,54 $
Отпечатки и Гравюры под названием "Owl-fancier-2, Prin…" - Irena Aizen, Подлинное произведение искусства, Цифровая печать Ус…
Owl-fancier-2, Print on canvas 50 cm. - Отпечатки и Гравюры, 19,7x15,9 in ©2024 - Irena Aizen - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Птица, allegorical, buy print online, figurative, landscape, nightfall - сумерки, reproduction, romantic, symbolism

Irena Aizen

"Owl-fancier-2, Print on canvas 50 cm."

Отпечатки и Гравюры на Холст | 19,7x15,9 in

По запросу
Картина под названием "弹唱" - Lucrezio, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
弹唱 - Картина, 27,6x15,8 in ©2022 - Lucrezio - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Женские обнаженные тела, 女性, 裸体, 自我, 角色, 油画, 写实, 超现实, 人物, 跪, 吉他, 艺术



Масло на Льняной холст | 27,6x15,8 in

3 277,81 $
Картина под названием "Zeitenwende" - Picturewall, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
Zeitenwende - Картина, 39,4x47,2 in ©2024 - Picturewall - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Политика, Zeitenwende, Politik, Gesellschaft, Sichtweisen



Картина на Холст | 39,4x47,2 in

По запросу
Картина под названием "ORIGINAL ARTWORK OI…" - Alain Donate Hernandez, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло

Alain Donate Hernandez


Картина на Холст | 40x30 in

5 406,85 $
Доступные печатные версии
Отпечатки и Гравюры под названием "State of Mind-3, Pr…" - Irena Aizen, Подлинное произведение искусства, Цифровая печать Ус…
State of Mind-3, Print on canvas 50 cm. - Отпечатки и Гравюры, 19,7x15,6 in ©2024 - Irena Aizen - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Животное, allegorical, animalism, buy print online, colorful, figurative, reproduction, symbolism, אירנה אייזן, הדפס, לקנות הדפס באינטרנט, מהדורה מוגבלת

Irena Aizen

"State of Mind-3, Print on canvas 50 cm."

Отпечатки и Гравюры на Холст | 19,7x15,6 in

По запросу
Картина под названием "Harmony in Diversity" - Asel, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревянная рама д…
Harmony in Diversity - Картина, 30,7x44,9 in ©2018 - Asel - Surrealism, surrealism-627, фантастический, art, diversity, harmony, painting, people, colors, shapes, unity, inclusion, acceptance, multiculturalism, variety, differences, collaboration, coexistence, tolerance, community, equality, uniqueness, solidarity


"Harmony in Diversity"

Картина на Холст | 30,7x44,9 in

3 508 $
Картина под названием "Egg Girl with and f…" - Ta Byrne, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
Egg Girl with and friends - Картина, 47,2x39,4 in ©2024 - Ta Byrne - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Детские портреты, cat, girl, oil painting, ready to hang, surreal, portrait

Ta Byrne

"Egg Girl with and friends"

Масло на Холст | 47,2x39,4 in

3 888,06 $
Доступные печатные версии
Отпечатки и Гравюры под названием ""PETAL SERENADE" -…" - Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork), Подлинное произведение искусст…
"PETAL SERENADE" - VIVID COLORS, SURREAL, FLOWER, FACE - Отпечатки и Гравюры, 23,6x23,6 in ©2024 - Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork) - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Женские портреты, Surrealism, Figurative Art, Symbolism, Contemporary Art, Woman Portrait, Elegant Shapes, Flowers, Vibrant Colours, Intricate Details, Woman Face, Acrylic Painting, Fine Art Print, Modern Techniques, Black and Orange, elegant Interior, Art For Living Room, Floral Art, Human Nature Connection, Nature Art, Colorful Art

Anastasiya Gilevich (Staz Artwork)


Отпечатки и Гравюры на Холст | 23,6x23,6 in

1 617,84 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "Apocalypse. Four ho…" - Greg Known, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
Apocalypse. Four horsemen. - Картина, 23,6x19,7 in ©2024 - Greg Known - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Религия, сюрреализм, апокалипсис, страшный суд, пророчество, мистика, символизм

Greg Known

"Apocalypse. Four horsemen."

Масло на Холст | 23,6x19,7 in

14 580 $
Картина под названием "Feria" - Olha Chumak, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
Feria - Картина, 31,9x39,4 in ©2024 - Olha Chumak - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Любовь, surrealismo, amor, oleo, lienzo, pintura

Olha Chumak


Масло на Льняной холст | 31,9x39,4 in

4 116,9 $
Картина под названием "THE MIND'S SCREEN" - Carlo Salomoni, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревянная…
THE MIND'S SCREEN - Картина, 17,7x15,8 in ©2018 - Carlo Salomoni - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Сказка, moonlight, ape, monkey, eyes, maze, fairytale, storytelling, magical, surrealism, mind, mindscape

Carlo Salomoni


Акрил на Доска МДФ | 17,7x15,8 in

1 976,48 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "Elegance in Bloom:…" - Asel, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревянная рама дл…
Elegance in Bloom: Lady with a Bird - Картина, 51,7x29,5 in ©2018 - Asel - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Женские портреты, art, painting, woman, flower, bird, elegance, beauty, grace, sophistication, nature, delicate, serene, peaceful, harmony, femininity, ethereal, enchanting, tranquil, graceful


"Elegance in Bloom: Lady with a Bird"

Картина на Холст | 51,7x29,5 in

3 957 $
Фотография под названием "Farewell to Spring…" - Xidong Luo, Подлинное произведение искусства, Не манипулируемая фотография
Farewell to Spring #2 - Фотография, 33,1x23,6 in ©2023 - Xidong Luo - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Женские портреты,

Xidong Luo

"Farewell to Spring #2"

Фотография | 33,1x23,6 in

1 525 $
Фотография под названием "Scent of Austin 061…" - Ziesook You, Подлинное произведение искусства, Цифровая фотография
Scent of Austin 06182024 - Фотография, 20x20 in ©2024 - Ziesook You - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Портрет, floral, women, figure, surreal, green, texas

Ziesook You

"Scent of Austin 06182024"

Фотография | 20x20 in

695 $
Картина под названием "Ebony and Ivory" - Mikhail Baranovskiy, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревян…
Ebony and Ivory - Картина, 23,6x31,5 in ©2024 - Mikhail Baranovskiy - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Музыка, piano, music, musician, black and white, expressionism, surrealism, figurative art, contemporary, conceptual, idea, story, the beatles, wall art, acrylic painting, design, interior, gift

Mikhail Baranovskiy

"Ebony and Ivory"

Картина на Холст | 23,6x31,5 in

2 603 $
Картина под названием "Boats and Birds at…" - Asel, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревянная рама дл…
Boats and Birds at Daybreak - Картина, 47,1x47,1 in ©2023 - Asel - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Лодка, Boats, Birds, Daybreak, Water, People, Sunrise, Reflections, Waves, Paddles, Oars, Seagulls, Horizon, Sky, Tranquility, Serenity, Nature, Silence, Peacefulness, Beauty, Calmness


"Boats and Birds at Daybreak"

Картина на Холст | 47,1x47,1 in

4 215 $
Скульптура под названием "TULLOW BRUTALIST HE…" - Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design), Подлинное произведение искусства, бетон
TULLOW BRUTALIST HEAD - Скульптура, 9,8x4,3 in ©2024 - Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design) - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Абстрактное,

Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design)


Скульптура - artwork_cat. | 9,8x4,3 in

433,78 $
Рисунок под названием "THE CONQUEST OF MAR…" - Dags, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил
THE CONQUEST OF MARS. Golden Billion - Рисунок, 19,7x27,6 in ©2024 - Dags - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Лошадь,


"THE CONQUEST OF MARS. Golden Billion"

Акрил на Бумага | 19,7x27,6 in

741,18 $
Доступные печатные версии
Картина под названием "Белый - 2" - Екатерина Бесполова, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревянная ра…
Белый - 2 - Картина, 11,8x11,8 in ©2024 - Екатерина Бесполова - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Животное, белый конь

Екатерина Бесполова

"Белый - 2"

Акрил на Холст | 11,8x11,8 in

693 $
Картина под названием "Whispers of Springt…" - Asel, Подлинное произведение искусства, Акрил Установлен на Деревянная рама д…
Whispers of Springtime Harmony - Картина, 48,5x48,5 in ©2022 - Asel - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Женские портреты, art, painting, women, bird, flower, springtime, harmony, nature, beauty, tranquility, serenity, friendship, connection, peacefulness, joy, elegance, gracefulness, companionship


"Whispers of Springtime Harmony"

Картина на Холст | 48,5x48,5 in

4 434 $
Картина под названием "Gru Giapponese" - Santino Pompa, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло Установлен на Деревянная рам…
Gru Giapponese - Картина, 23,6x15,8 in ©2018 - Santino Pompa - Surrealism, surrealism-627, фантастический, Gru giapponese, surrealismo, incanto, bellezza, arco vitale

Santino Pompa

"Gru Giapponese"

Картина на Холст | 23,6x15,8 in

4 483,51 $
Картина под названием "La conjonction de V…" - Gilles Chambon, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло Установлен на Деревян…
La conjonction de Vénus et de Vesta - Картина, 21,3x25,6 in ©2024 - Gilles Chambon - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Мифология, Vénus, Vesta, planètes, féminité

Gilles Chambon

"La conjonction de Vénus et de Vesta"

Картина на Холст | 21,3x25,6 in

1 884,26 $
Картина под названием "Organic personaliti…" - Evgeniya Bova, Подлинное произведение искусства, Масло
Organic personalities 1 - Картина, 27,6x27,6 in ©2024 - Evgeniya Bova - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Женские портреты, woman, girl, portrait, nature, harmony, plant, botanic, calm, medium painting, flowers, interior decor, minimal, plants, leaves, interior design, Wall Painting, Contemporary Wall Art, Contemporary, abstarct

Evgeniya Bova

"Organic personalities 1"

Картина на Холст | 27,6x27,6 in

1 467,56 $
Доступные печатные версии


Получайте нашу рассылку для любителей искусства и коллекционеров