White mirage Картина - Валентина Козяр


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Продавец Валентина Козяр

  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Масло на Льняной холст
  • Размеры Высота 35,4in, Ширина 39,4in
  • Категории Картины до 5 000 $ Абстрактное
Oil on Canvas холст,масло По поводу данного произведения: Классификация, методы & Стили Масло Краска, состоящая из пигментов, связанных с льняным маслом[...]
Oil on Canvas

Связанные темы

Лошадь Утро Марево

Valentine Kozyar "Color is the spiritual foundation of painting, the materialization of spirituality by means of painting is the essence of his quest "Born in[...]

Valentine Kozyar "Color is the spiritual foundation of painting,
the materialization of spirituality by means of painting is
the essence of his quest "Born in 1962 in g.Hotin
Chernivtsi region. She graduated in 1984 Graphic Art
Faculty PDI Odessa. Member of international,
national and regional exhibitions since 1984.


1994 - Exhibition of Young Artists Kiev. Ukrainian House, Kyiv

1994 - Personal gallery "Slavutich" Kyiv

1995 - Ukrainian exhibition dedicated to the 400th anniversary B.Khmelnitsky

1996 - Ukrainian exhibition "Chernobyl. Tragedy. Memory "Kiev, Ukraine

1996 - 1 International Art Festival, Kiev

1998 - Exhibition of art galleries, Vinnitsa

2000 - Exhibition in New York, Ukrainian Institute of America

2002 - Auction "Modern Ukrainian Art", Kiev

2003 - Personal exhibition gallery "Moro", Kiev

2003 - Ukrainian exhibition "Women - Artists of Ukraine", Kiev

2003 - Exhibition of Ukrainian Artists, London, England

2005 - Exhibition "Art Gallery." Vinnitsa Ukraine

2005 - Ukrainian exhibition devoted to "Day of the artist", Kiev Ukraine

2006 - Personal exhibition. Gallery "NEF". Kiev Ukraine

2007 - Exhibition "Blessing". Berlin Germany

2008 - Exhibition. Producer Centre Boyko. Magdeburg, Germany

2008 - Solo Exhibition Gallery «N-Prospect» St. Petersburg, Russia

2009 - Architectural project, Seven thousand of Sam's "New-gallery gallery Kiev

2009 - Architectural project "" Dedication Pirasmani "New-gallery gallery Kiev

2009 - Architectural project "By the shores of Good Nadezhdі" reserve Sophia Cathedral Kiev

2010 - Auction "Golden Section" Vanguard Kiev

2011 - Proєkt "City-N" gallery Soviart Kiev

2011 - Art Festival "The territory of the soul," Museum of Contemporary Art Chernigov

2011 - Ukrainian trienale "Prichistaya" Chernivtsi

2011 - Ukrainian Christmas exhibition Kiev

2012 - Ukrainian exhibition "Vid Tripіllya to sogodennya" Kiev

2012 - Architectural project "Conversation with time" NUAU House painter Kiev

2012 - Architectural project "Unsolved Mysteries" New-gallery Kiev

2012 - Exhibition "Modern Art of Ukraine" Tallinn

2012 - Exhibition in the Estonian Parliament

2012 - Personal exhibition, "Inter-Chic" Vinnitsa

2012 - Exhibition "Modern Art of Ukraine", Tallinn

2012 - Exhibition in the Estonian Parliament

2012 - Personal exhibition, "Inter-Chic" Vinnitsa

2012 - Exhibition project "Conversation with the times", Dubai United Arab Emirates,

2012 - Ukrainian Triennial "folkmodern" Chernivtsi

2012 - Ukrainian exhibition devoted to the Day of the artist. Kiev Ukraine

2012 - International exhibition "Art-week", Kiev

2012 - Ukrainian Christmas exhibition, Kiev

2012 - International exhibition "Art-week", Moscow

2013 ...

Смотреть ещё Валентина Козяр

Просмотреть все произведения
Картина | 43,3x47,2 in
4 038,34 $
Масло на Холст | 35,4x39,4 in
2 228,09 $
Масло на Холст | 39,4x39,4 in
1 918,41 $
Картина | 43,3x47,2 in
3 459,97 $


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