Mountain goat Скульптура - K.R. Nariman


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Фотобанк для художественных фотографий
  • Ограниченный выпуск (# 4/6) Скульптура, Бронза на Металл
  • Размеры Высота 16in, Ширина 15in
  • Подходит для улицы? Нет, Это произведение искусства не может быть выставлено на открытом воздухе
  • Категории Абстрактное
While trekking in Mount Abu, India, I chanced upon a lone mountain goat on the hillside. That image brings to mind the idea that through resolve we can achieve great heights. Upon further research, I found the significance and symbolism of mountain goats. Mountain goats represent goals to be reached of newer and greater heights. The famous phrase,[...]
While trekking in Mount Abu, India, I chanced upon a lone mountain goat on the hillside. That image brings to mind the idea that through resolve we can achieve great heights. Upon further research, I found the significance and symbolism of mountain goats. Mountain goats represent goals to be reached of newer and greater heights. The famous phrase, “the sky is the limit” is therefore most fitting here. The more knowledge and education gained on animal conservation, the closer we get to achieving our goal of saving the animal kingdom that make up such a crucial part of our Planet Earth. This image also conjures the idea that when animals are in their natural habitat, and undisturbed, they live peacefully in nature.

Связанные темы

Wildlife Conservation

Переведено автоматически
K.R. Nariman was born in New Delhi, India where she currently resides. She just graduated with a Masters of Fine Arts degree (MFA) from Wimbledon College of Arts, University of Arts, London. Her artistic inspiration[...]

K.R. Nariman was born in New Delhi, India where she currently resides. She just graduated with a Masters of Fine Arts degree (MFA) from Wimbledon College of Arts, University of Arts, London. Her artistic inspiration comes from her learnings at the studio of K.S. Radhakrishnan where she spent two years honing her casting skills before completing her masters from London. 

Her research is preoccupied by the depletion and ultimately the extinction of the environment and the creatures that co-habitat amongst us. The widespread threat to the environment in the face of unconstrained waste generation and developments in technology pose monumental threats to wildlife and the environment. The fractal nature of both the earth and the varying species on it fascinate her. Through her art, she hopes to remind people that our lifestyles and our actions can harm other living species and the environment around us. By working in this field, she is interested in conserving the symbiotic relationship between man, nature and animals.

She specialises in Bronze casting but also works in different materials such as metal, wood and ceramics. She has interned with the well-known metal sculptor -Arzan Khambatta, the Padma Shri awardee- Sudarshan Sahoo and learnt ceramics at Blue Pottery, Delhi. She has been nominated for Wildlife Artist of the Year 2019, shortlisted for the Clifford Chance Sculpture Award and been awarded fourth place for 3 dimensional award at the 9th All Women Art Exhibition, Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery 2020. She has also been a part of a number of group shows in London. Some noted ones include; the Royal Society of British Artists Annual Exhibition 2019 and the Society of Women’s Artist Annual Exhibition 2019.

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Скульптура - Бронза | 5,9x11,8 in
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Скульптура - Бронза | 43x17 in
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Скульптура - Бронза | 11,8x14,2 in
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Скульптура - Бронза | 25x23 in
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