meeting with a miracle (2018) Картина - Dina Khab

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Продавец Dina Khab

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meeting a miracle always happens unexpectedly По поводу данного произведения: Классификация, методы & Стили Темпера Краска на основе эмульсии, жирная или[...]
meeting a miracle always happens unexpectedly

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With my creativity I want to convey the idea we need to be open our hearts to compassion  and miracle in life. Miraculous moments and magic are possible if you have a heart sensitive to the beauty of being.[...]

With my creativity I want to convey the idea we need to be open our hearts to compassion  and miracle in life. Miraculous moments and magic are possible if you have a heart sensitive to the beauty of being. .  when the boundaries between the real and the imagined are erased and a person plunges into the truth in the fiary of being, performing his heavenly dance. the meaning of being and a miracle is revealed only to an open heart, a lot of evil in the world from spiritual emptiness.I love music and in love with the colors of sounds. Colors, sounds and letters sparkle like a beautiful garden after summer rain, so I have the double pleasure of painting on canvas because I can hear music of colors.  When I create I forget about everything in the world plunging into a creative act. it’s like an intimate mystery,  poetry , the dance is enveloping me.I have dream and allegorical vision to world , and the carnival attitude to life: burlesque  (    under the clownish mask, much can be said ).I am very empathetic and the sorrows of the world are also reflected in my creativity . in my works there are often death and attributes and symbols of death, this should remind a person of the transience of life.   I personally cope with my sadness and feeling of loneliness help spiritual practices.  I am  inspired by the books of J.Huizinga, M.Bakhtine, E.Panofsky (for my love of Middle Age) ,autors of books of magical realism , philosophy of existentialism( Jaspers,  Nicola Abbagnano)  . phenomenology of Gaston Bachelard , scientific( I like very much books Ervin Laszlo, Hermann Haken , Benoît Mandelbrot, Ludvig von Bertalanffy ) . But so is the insight of the mystics Meister Eckhart, Juan de la Cruz,  Francois de Sales , J.Böhme, medieval legends. A novel about the Rose, The Legend of the Grail of Chretien de Trois. And I really love music, from medieval polyphonists   to modern composers  ,but I also haiku poetry and Japanese music. (masters of bamboo flute shakuhachi) , also  I would like to mention my interest in photography influenced by Japanese philosophy( wabi- sabi , mono no aware ,)I am inspired by the philosophy of Bergson, Heidegger, idealists ; existentialists _ phenmenologists, oriental spiritual masters , and i adore to read poetry this really my passion,  I read in all languages I have learned. Reading poetry was also reflected in my art( for example Jorge Borges , Juan Ramon Jimenes ,Fernando Pessoa ,Hugo von Hofmannsthal , Rainer Maria Rilke ,Maurice Maeterlinck , Rene Char , Tonino Guerra , russian  Soloviev , A.Block,O.Mandelstam ); Robindranath Tagore , Thomas Eliot.
I have a huge bunch of different ideas for implementation (my soul is always in the creative process ) and not only in painting but also in other areas of art. My soul, as it were, collects nectar from various sources like a bee(mythology,poetry,philosophy science etc) , and creates its own myths and symbols , and looks at the world with the surprised eyes of a child .

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