Into the Wilderness (2020) Картина - Ausra Manamangas

Масло на Холст, 19,7x15,8 in
1 589,95 $
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Продавец Ausra Manamangas
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Доставка Artmajeur: Доставка этого произведения искусства осуществляется непосредственно Artmajeur от момента получения до окончательной доставки заказчику. Таможня не включена.
  • упаковка (Коробка или картонная упаковка) Все работы доставляются премиальным перевозчиком, надёжно охраняемым и застрахованным.
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  • Сертификация художественного рейтинга Эксперты изучают работу и карьеру художника, а затем создают независимое и достоверное среднее значение цены. Среднее значение цены помещает художника на определённое место в ценовом диапазоне за данный период. Экспертов также можно попросить дать более точную оценку для конкретного произведения.
Гарантия безопасности сделки на 100%, Приемлемые способы оплаты: Кредитная карта, PayPal, Банковский перевод.
Безопасная прямая покупка Сделка гарантируется Artmajeur: продавец получит деньги только после того, как покупатель получит произведение искусства.
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Бесплатный возврат: Гарантируем возврат денежных средств в течение 14 дней.
Возврат принимается 14 дней Artmajeur на 100% стремится удовлетворить коллекционеров: у вас есть 14 дней, чтобы вернуть оригинальную работу. Работа должна быть возвращена художнику в идеальном состоянии, в оригинальной упаковке. Все подходящие предметы могут быть возвращены (если не указано иное).
уникальный экземпляр
Работа за подписью художника
Сертификат подлинности включен
Это произведение вставлено в раму
Установлен на Деревянная рама для носилок
Это художественное произведение появляется в 2 в коллекциях
  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Масло на Холст
  • Размеры 23,6x19,7 in
    Размеры работы в одиночку, без рамы: Высота 19,7in, Ширина 15,8in
  • Рама Это произведение вставлено в раму
  • Категории Картины до 5 000 $ Импрессионизм Поезд
On train you loose your regular self. Compared to planes or cars, trains provide meditative calm. The first overground railway line in England may have been a wooden-railed, horse-drawn tramroad which was built at Prescot, near Liverpool, around 1594. All my paintings are created with the highest quality paints, canvases and frames. All[...]
On train you loose your regular self. Compared to planes or cars, trains provide meditative calm.
The first overground railway line in England may have been a wooden-railed, horse-drawn tramroad which was built at Prescot, near Liverpool, around 1594.
All my paintings are created with the highest quality paints, canvases and frames. All works are covered with an additional layer of varnish, which protects the work of art from scratches, cracks and the effects of the external environment - light, dust and moisture. This type of painting is characterized by longevity and solidity, so even after many years, the painting in your home will look like it has just arrived from the artist. The value of paintings only grows over time, so by purchasing a work of art, you not only decorate your home and create a cozy environment, but also invest in the future.

Связанные темы

Snow PaintingTrain PaintingOil PaintingImpressionismWhite Painting

Переведено автоматически
Biography Ausra is UK masters graduate pharmacist and a self-taught painter. She was born in Lithuania in 1972 and has lived in the UK where she had studied and worked whilst raising[...]


Ausra is UK masters graduate pharmacist and a self-taught painter. She was born in Lithuania in 1972 and has lived in the UK where she had studied and worked whilst raising two children. 

Since she was a child she had a passion for creative drawing. Ausra remembers her mum was worried and she was checking if her daughter was doing her homework or drawing. Later, her drawing time was then replaced by dancing classes.  Fortunately, for the past few years she is living her dream doing what she loves the most - full time painting in Greece, a country of incredible history and the birthplace of art. Ausra's life lately is purely surrounded by nature, which is where she chose to live, which allows her endless thoughts to create the most unique and original paintings.

Ausra's passion for art is inspired by every beauty on this Earth, incredible nature, cute animals, idealistic figures and unique architecture. Each one of her paintings are created with passion and thoughtful harmony to make the exquisite scenic painting. The bright palettes of colour dominate her paintings which create power and positive feelings. It oscillates between impressionism, surrealism and realism. 

Ausra's technique is applying many detailed oil layers and glazes on the canvas which takes time to finish perfectly. Her work reflects a sense of symbolism. Ausra strongly believes that a great artist needs to have a special combination of technical skills, creative thinking and strong determination.


“Ausra, you got such immense natural artistic talents. Your oil paintings are truly amazing with the picturesque atmospheric settings & dramatic sunsets, stunning visions of clarity and tranquillity. I must admit in part I was inspired by scenic colours and style in your very own beautiful artwork. 100% for sure I would have your super talented work up on my walls in a heartbeat. Beautiful works, such a great detail you put into your work” Richard B, artist, UK.
“You put so much heart and soul into your every painting. I love it and I can feel it as well. Thank you for sharing your talent". Sheila Anna Smith, artist, USA.

"Ausra is presenting a number of paintings with vibrant colours that depict reality in the way that that draws the viewers into the story telling environment. Those artwork are mainly influenced by the movement of "impressionism". Gallery Artnumber23, London.
“I have to say your paintings are a strong inspiration to me. They are so true, mystical, and magnetically magical. You deserve every success they bring you and more.” Joe Charman, artist, UK.
"Beautiful paintings. Your subjects look so real and your artworks look amazing”. David Edwards, photographer, UK.
"Oh this is so beautiful, I love the symbolic meaning behind this masterpiece”. Kamila Knight, song writer, singer.
“I feel you are developing at high speed, from accomplished hobbyist to full-blown master painter. ”Torsten T. Slama, artist.
"Self taught is absolutely amazing!" Lorraine, artist.

Смотреть ещё Ausra Manamangas

Просмотреть все произведения
Масло на Холст | 23,6x35,4 in
4 309,39 $
Масло на Холст | 35,4x27,6 in
8 347,51 $
Масло на Холст | 11,8x11,8 in
892,42 $
Масло на Холст | 23,6x23,6 in
1 816,76 $


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