Euterpe (Muse of lyric poetry) View A (2005) Скульптура - Andrey Tsers

Продавец Artex Awards Gallery

уникальный экземпляр
Сертификат подлинности включен
  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Скульптура, картон / Пластмасса / проволочный на Дерево
  • Размеры Высота 12in, Ширина 12in
  • Подходит для улицы? Нет, Это произведение искусства не может быть выставлено на открытом воздухе
  • Категории Скульптуры до 5 000 $
Installation from the series "Muses". The clay sculpture represents one of the nine muses of Greek mythology. This Muse is called Euterpe and symbolizes lyrical poetry. The sculpture is a model for creating four stylizations. Each of them displays one of the four sides of the Central model. They all strive to recreate her updated image.
Installation from the series "Muses". The clay sculpture represents one of the nine muses of Greek mythology. This Muse is called Euterpe and symbolizes lyrical poetry. The sculpture is a model for creating four stylizations. Each of them displays one of the four sides of the Central model. They all strive to recreate her updated image.
Tsers Andrey Alexandrovich (USA). Honorary member of the International Academy of contemporary arts. Department: Literature. Artist, writer, art critic. Winner of the international competition “ART. EXCELLENCE. AWARDS”.
Церс Андрей Александрович (США). Почетный член Международной академии современных искусств. Отделение: Литература. Художник, писатель, художественный критик. Лауреат международного конкурса “ИСКУССТВО. СОВЕРШЕНСТВО. ПРИЗНАНИЕ”.

Связанные темы

Art Excellence AwardsКонкурс ИскусствThe Art CompetitionАкадемия Современных ИскусствAcademy Of Contemporary Arts

Художник, в лице (представленный - прим.перев.) Artex Awards Gallery
Tsers Andrey Alexandrovich (USA). Honorary member of the International Academy of contemporary arts. Department: Literature. Artist, writer, art critic. Winner of the international competition “ART. EXCELLENCE.[...]

Tsers Andrey Alexandrovich (USA). Honorary member of the International Academy of contemporary arts. Department: Literature. Artist, writer, art critic. Winner of the international competition “ART. EXCELLENCE. AWARDS”.  

Andrey Tsers was born in Odessa in 1969. He received an art education at the Riga Art School. Rosenthal, Odessa art School Grekov, studied at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York. Lives and works in new York.
Artist, writer, art critic. Author of the patented system for creating geometric stylizations "Metamorphosis". Since 2007, he has been engaged in literature and drama. Honorary member of the International Academy of Contemporary Arts. Official representative of the Academy in New York. Gold medalist of the international competition "Art. Excellence. Awards" 2019 in the drama category. Specialist of Sotheby's Auction House / New York.

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