Painted Ladies San Francisco #06 写真撮影 Robin Vandenabeele によって

写真撮影, 29.5x19.7 in
プライス: 送料無料
発送元: ベルギー (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ)
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This work is part of the series "Painted Ladies", named after the street with Victorian housing in San Francisco where it was created. The photograph is printed on high quality photo paper, mounted on a 3mm dibond panel and protected by a matte laminate. The artwork comes with a ready to hang frame. Limited edition[...]
This work is part of the series "Painted Ladies", named after the street with Victorian housing in San Francisco where it was created.

The photograph is printed on high quality photo paper, mounted on a 3mm dibond panel and protected by a matte laminate.
The artwork comes with a ready to hang frame.
Limited edition of 7, with certificate of authenticity.
75 x 50cm


CaliforniaSan FranciscoSfUsaPainted Ladies

A vivid interest in graphic art at a young age led to a desire to create art. Photography was portable, fast and fun and also aided in preserving memories by documenting key moments and projects so it[...]

A vivid interest in graphic art at a young age led to a desire to create art.
Photography was portable, fast and fun and also aided in preserving memories by documenting key moments and projects so it became the tool of choice for creating my own visual art.
I learned the craft with film cameras in the early 00's by burning through film rolls and reading all available literature and photo books to hone my camera skills and learn about new techniques.
Looking for innovative ways to create new compositions, a bespoke double exposure technique became the technique of choice to create my unique signature style.
By blending the light and shadow parts of an image with a rotated copy of itself in the camera and thus amplifying the visual impact, I create abstract and surreal versions of familiar city- and landscapes, always at the time of exposure,with the camera and never with software.


I am inspired by the beautiful world around me which never ceases to amaze me. I have a strong desire to visually re-interpret this world by exploring the limits of the medium of photography.


I sincerely want my artworks to invoke wonder and surprise in the viewer, whilst retaining the highest aesthetic quality.


Robin Vandenabeeleからもっと見る

写真撮影 | いくつかのサイズ
写真撮影 | いくつかのサイズ
写真撮影 | いくつかのサイズ
写真撮影 | いくつかのサイズ

