Blind (2021) Pittura da Randi Luki

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Venditore Make My Art Louder

Carta per belle arti, 9x8 in
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Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
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Quest'opera d'arte appare in 1 collezioni
The idea of ​​war has always scared me. The thought that at every moment your life will be wiped off the face of the earth makes you horrified. This is the face of war. Empty eyes, burnt out from explosions, in search of at least some living soul. The ghosts of the past haunt her at every step, everyone whom she knew has not walked this[...]
The idea of ​​war has always scared me. The thought that at every moment your life will be wiped off the face of the earth makes you horrified. This is the face of war. Empty eyes, burnt out from explosions, in search of at least some living soul.

The ghosts of the past haunt her at every step, everyone whom she knew has not walked this land for a long time. Emptiness... Silence... . A terrible silence that drives you into endless attempts to survive. The war is over, but memory lasts longer than the war.

Temi correlati

WarWomanAbstractBlindnessDark Art

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Artista rappresentato da Make My Art Louder
Exhibited at D31 Art Gallery Winter Exhibition 2022 People have always inspired me. The idea of human life has been a mystery to me, which hardly anyone can solve. Humanity creates art out of an endless[...]

Exhibited at D31 Art Gallery Winter Exhibition 2022

People have always inspired me. The idea of human life has been a mystery to me, which hardly anyone can solve. Humanity creates art out of an endless vortex of emotions. I often observe people on the street, in parks, restaurants, transport ... it was always exciting to me to find out what their life is filled with.

I have yet to meet anything more ideal than the human soul. Someones is covered with a layer of ice, others have flowers in their souls. Thorns, wind, warmth, cold, sea breeze, and the smell of the best day of your life. All this can be found in our souls.

They are so different, so hidden, even lost souls are beautiful. They are so fragile. Breaking them is easier than flicking your fingers. This is what makes them so desirable. I always wanted to capture the moment of the naked soul and let it live on the canvas, along with all its scars and perfection. Let it live longer than it could.

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