Lease Pinturas by Niamor

Locação da obra “ Think Different ” por Niamor com opção de compra

As Pinturas de Niamor estão disponíveis para locação com opção de compra

Pintura intitulada "Think Different" por Niamor, Obras de arte originais, Laca
Think Different (2023)
Pintura por Niamor - 47,2x19,7 in
US$ 1.350,15

Escolha seus pagamentos mensais:

Pagamentos mensais
€ 116,66
Valor residual
€ 37,79
Economia fiscal
€ 432,35
Custo total
€ 1.122
Pagamentos mensais
€ 66,11
Valor residual
€ 37,79
Economia fiscal
€ 452,3
Custo total
€ 1.172
Pagamentos mensais
€ 47,87
Valor residual
€ 37,79
Economia fiscal
€ 491,06
Custo total
€ 1.270
Pagamentos mensais
€ 37,59
Valor residual
€ 37,79
Economia fiscal
€ 514,14
Custo total
€ 1.328
* Esta é apenas uma simulação indicativa. Uma proposta contratual ser-lhe-á enviada após estudo dos seus documentos comprovativos e validação do seu processo pelo nosso parceiro financeiro.

Pedido de informações sobre arrendamento "Think Different"

Fale Conosco, um especialista em financiamento entrará em contato com você em 24 horas:

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Perguntas mais frequentes

What are the advantages of leasing works of art?

  • Financial Flexibility: You can enjoy exceptional, high-value works of art without a large initial investment.
  • Tax Benefits: Receive potential tax benefits as rents can be deducted as a business expense.

How are the prices of monthly payments for leasing works of art set?

  • The costs depend on the value of the work, the duration of the leasing contract, and any services included such as installation.

Can we buy the work after the leasing period?

  • Yes, on Artmajeur leasing contracts offer a purchase option at the end of the contract, allowing customers to acquire the work at a determined price (residual value).

How are the safety and insurance of works managed?

  • Insurance during the duration of the rental contract is the responsibility of the customer. It is therefore important to check the details of your insurance contract to be sure that your leased works are covered in the event of damage.

What are the conditions for terminating the leasing contract before its end?

  • Unless there are specific conditions, leasing contracts for works of art commit the client to payment of the entire price of the work; payments are therefore due until the end of the lease.

Mais informações

Think Different (2023)
Pintura por Niamor - 47,2x19,7 in
Pintura intitulada "Think Different" por Niamor, Obras de arte originais, Laca

Sobre o autor

Je suis un artiste qui allie art numérique et peinture acrylique pour créer des portraits, des personnages et des abstractions axés sur le mouvement, en privilégiant le gris de Payne. Mon style unique, que[...]

Je suis un artiste qui allie art numérique et peinture acrylique pour créer des portraits, des personnages et des abstractions axés sur le mouvement, en privilégiant le gris de Payne. Mon style unique, que j'appelle "street art brut", combine des inspirations du street art et de l'art brut. Mes œuvres varient entre NFT et créations physiques sur divers supports.

Mon parcours artistique, débuté dans le textile et le crypto-art, est constamment nourri par les influences de mon époque. Passionné par la capture des individus et personnages qui jalonnent mon voyage créatif, je m'efforce de saisir des instants, mouvements, expressions et sentiments. En 2022, je me suis aventuré dans le pixel art et l'art génératif assisté par IA.

Mes œuvres mettent souvent en avant des portraits masculins et la symbolique de la féminité. L'exploration du minimalisme au Posca est une autre facette de mon art, où l'épaisseur du trait devient le principal repère, offrant une interprétation minimaliste et percutante de mon concept de street art brut.

I am an artist who combines digital art and acrylic paint to create portraits, figures and abstractions focused on movement, favoring Payne's gray. My unique style, which I call "street art brut", combines inspirations from street art and art brut. My works vary between NFT and physical creations on various media. My artistic journey, which began in textiles and crypto-art, is constantly nourished by the influences of my time. Passionate about capturing the individuals and characters that mark my creative journey, I strive to capture moments, movements, expressions and feelings. In 2022, I ventured into pixel art and AI-assisted generative art. My works often highlight male portraits and the symbolism of femininity. The exploration of minimalism with Posca is another facet of my art, where the thickness of the line becomes the main benchmark, offering a minimalist and impactful interpretation of my concept of raw street art.

我是一位艺术家,将数字艺术和丙烯颜料结合起来创作肖像、人物和抽象画,重点关注运动,喜欢佩恩的灰色。我的独特风格,我称之为“街头艺术原生”,结合了街头艺术和原生艺术的灵感。我的作品在 NFT 和各种媒体上的物理创作之间有所不同。

我的艺术之旅始于纺织品和加密艺术,不断受到时代的影响。我热衷于捕捉标志着我的创作之旅的个人和人物,努力捕捉瞬间、动作、表情和感受。 2022年,我涉足像素艺术和人工智能辅助生成艺术。

我的作品经常突出男性肖像和女性气质的象征意义。与 Posca 一起探索极简主义是我艺术的另一个方面,线条的粗细成为主要基准,为我的原始街头艺术概念提供了极简主义和有影响力的诠释。

Ver mais de Niamor

Ver todas as obras
Acrílico em Papel | 16,5x11,4 in
US$ 626,42
Acrílico em Papel | 16,5x11,4 in
US$ 626,42
Acrílico em Tela | 15,8x11,8 in
US$ 1.412,46
Acrílico em Papel | 16,5x11,4 in
US$ 626,42


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