Obesidad mórbida - Morbid obesity (2013) Pintura por Eduardo Urbano Merino

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Vendedor Eduardo Urbano Merino

  • Obras de arte originais Pintura, Óleo
  • Dimensões Altura 39,4in, Largura 47,2in
  • Categorias Pinturas menos de US$ 1.000 Surrealismo
Morbid obesity - Obesidad mórbida oil/canvas - óleo/lienzo 1.00x1.20m Private Collection of Dr. Nissin Nahmias in USA. ( En la colección privada del Dr. Nissin Nahmias en USA) fanpage - ARTurbanomerino ENGLISH - ESPAÑOL Morbid obesity is one of the most deadly diseases of our time, with medical science, patients[...]
Morbid obesity - Obesidad mórbida
oil/canvas - óleo/lienzo
Private Collection of Dr. Nissin Nahmias in USA.
( En la colección privada del Dr. Nissin Nahmias en USA)
fanpage - ARTurbanomerino
Morbid obesity is one of the most deadly diseases of our time, with medical science, patients can improve their lives, the woman on the left and the right are the same person (In the sky on the left is the storm and in the right light), the dragonfly symbolizes change and is illuminated by one of the instruments used by doctors to change the patients lives, the doctor has the key of knowledge in his hands, on the right above you see a branch coming down, but through the glass we see a stomach bypass that has saved the lives of many people, and the flower is a symbol of love and friendship, is a gift for the ladies who choose to improve their lives when approaching to science, symbolizes hope and as in my painting of epilepsy, is located on the golden point of the composition

La obesidad mórbida es una de las enfermedades mas mortales de nuestros días, con la ciencia médica, los pacientes pueden mejorar sus vidas, la mujer de la izquierda y la de la derecha son la misma persona (en el cielo de la izquierda está la tormenta y en la derecha la luz), la libélula simboliza el cambio y es alumbrada por uno de los instrumentos usados por los médicos para cambiar la vida de los pacientes, el doctor tiene la llave del conocimiento en sus manos, en la parte derecha arriba se ve una de las ramas que bajan, pero a través del cristal podemos ver un bypass estomacal que ha salvado la vida de tantas personas, y la flor es un símbolo de afecto y amistad, es un regalo para las damas quienes optan por mejorar sus vidas al acercarse a la ciencia, simboliza esperanza y al igual que en mi pintura de epilepsia, se encuentra en el punto áureo de la composición.

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Eduardo Urbano MerinoEduardoUrbanoMerinoObesidad Mórbida

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Eduardo Urbano Merino is a surrealistic, figurative, and idealist painter, born in Mexico City, October 8th, 1975. His accomplished technique is the product of a creative effort to give expression to[...]

Eduardo Urbano Merino is a surrealistic, figurative, and idealist painter, born in Mexico City, October 8th, 1975.
His accomplished technique is the product of a creative effort to give expression to the oneiric through aspects of everyday life. From his childhood, surrealism has permeated his drawing, later strengthened by his studies of the great masters, Dali and Caravaggio. The painter believes that his is an age characterised by decadence and the loss of authentic values, with many artists using a 'freedom of expression' without any sense of direction, giving way to a dissolute libertinism. He believes there is no ethic in such art, for the true talent of the artist only arises in producing "the best". These pages lend us the opportunity to contemplate and participate in the creative sentiment of a young painter who resists this lifeless presentationalism.

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Pintura | 393,7x196,9 in
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Óleo | 25,6x21,7 in
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Óleo | 118,1x236,2 in
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Escultura | 27,6x27,6 in
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