PRIMAVERA almonds (2012) 絵画 Polina Ogiy によって

キャンバスのオイル, 47.2x31.5 in
プライス: 送料無料
Polina Ogiy が販売
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発送元: イタリア (チューブ)
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最大解像度: 1591 x 2377 px

Polina Ogiy が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, キャンバスの オイル / アクリル
  • 寸法 高さ 47.2in, 幅 31.5in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $5,000未満 印象主義
almonds; almond tree Greek. — amygdale ---- One of the early-flowering trees — flower it is called "rennervate", is very sensitive to frost. From Central Asia (the territory of present-day. Uzbekistan and Tajikistan), the almond was in Ancient Greece. Core values: the ancient symbol of the concealment of valuable content in very hard, almost[...]
almonds; almond tree Greek. — amygdale ---- One of the early-flowering trees — flower it is called "rennervate", is very sensitive to frost. From Central Asia (the territory of present-day. Uzbekistan and Tajikistan), the almond was in Ancient Greece. Core values: the ancient symbol of the concealment of valuable content in very hard, almost impenetrable shell. attention and sensitivity; the sweetness, the charm, the subtlety; the hidden truth (essence), mystery (a mystery, an inconsequential shell); purity, immaculate conception, virginity, self-fertility (Mystical Association that has both pagan and biblical roots); Yoni, marital happiness; vesica piscis (In the art often is accompanied by virgin Queens of the Sky), the mandorla.
Antique Juice of crushed almonds equated to the male seed, that is connected with the story of Attis: Cybele spouse was immaculately conceived by her tonsils, when either of the male genitalia bisexual Cybele grew almonds. The Phrygians almonds is the father of all things, a symbol of spring. Ancient Greece, where, too, was considered sacred and was a symbol of fertility Known to the sad to the ancient Greek myth about Phyllida — the Thracian Queen, not waiting for her fiance Demophon and turned from boredom into an almond tree. When Demophon returned and hugged almonds — about a miracle! — the tree blossomed. Central Asia /Mongolia, the peoples of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan was the sacred tree, the almond. China Women's beauty, fortitude in grief, Yin, revival, prudence, refinement and sophistication. Iran The Tree Of Heaven. Hinduism Vulva, Yoni, "eat almonds", which means to have intercourse. In the Upanishads the symbol of the cosmic waters and a circular life cycle, boundless in its development. Bible / old Testament, the Almond tree, flowering in spring, signifies renewal and the fragility (because it flowers sensitive to frost). The tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Judaism ", Chceked / sacad ???"— awake, Wake up and your eyes open. Wakefulness, new life, immortality The sacred tree for Jews. Its symbolism in Judaism is connected with the story of Aaron (Numbers 17:18). According to Jewish tradition, using the roots of an almond tree, you can find in the underground city of Luz, the abode of immortality,— the same was the name of the city, the vision of which was to Jacob, who called it a house of God. Christianity the divine favor and approval. Usually present in the image of the mandorla. The divine origin of Christ, hidden behind his human guise. The Purity Of The Virgin (Num., 17:1-II) — mystical almonds in the esoteric language of the middle ages. Common symbol of the immaculate conception. In the middle ages, the almond was interpreted as the image of the prisoner in the uterus of the human embryo. Figures of the apostles, symbolizing the Holy Trinity at the time of the leniency of the Holy spirit, also divided, almond-shaped ovals. Islam Arab mystics sweet kernel hidden under the shell, is identified with a mystical essence, hidden under the veil of the visible shell. The psychology of a Hidden reality. Almond dream may mean the difficult problem of a sensitive nature, most often in relation to sexual sphere.



CREDO Polina Ogiy "Art is the creator soul delight spilled on canvas, embodied in marble, paper, notes in the form, line, color, sound, word, movement and thousands of other creative expressions.[...]

CREDO Polina Ogiy

"Art is the creator soul delight spilled on canvas, embodied in marble, paper, notes in the form, line, color, sound, word, movement and thousands of other creative expressions. This is awareness of Genesis, understanding of the soul creating the fabric of life .

 Works of art are true, pure symbols imprinted by the hand of the artist. They are characters of life, love, harmony and symmetry, sacred geometry of destiny. The world is ruled by symbols. And the true symbols express the divine harmony.If you're a creative person, the main energy that moves your hand is love, passion to cognition for the essence of things and phenomena. This is love and admiration, inspiration by the beauty of a landscape, character, object, myth or legend. The delight of my soul reflects the spiritual essence and symbolism of the Muse selected.Creativity is the destination of the soul incarnate in a person. We all are the co-creators of God, and everyone is an architect of his own life and world view. Convergence of matter and spirit, the ancient alchemy of human life are nothing else, but a splash of creative energy of spirit in matter.For me it is the music of my soul embodied in line and color, its trace through the time and space. Painting and sculpture are like my natural breath and my self expression. The motivation is simple - to live and create. An artist is the crystal, which stops the time in its purpose. An artist displays the Genesis, depicts the beauty and perfection of the moment. The artist perceives with his heart, not his eyes. An artist opens for the viewer the door to the wordlessness  and guides to the pure original source of Life."

Polina Ogiy was born in Kharkov on 02/23/1977Education1984-1994 - piano school of music Kharkov1988-1992 Art School named after. I. E. Repina1994-1999 - Moscow State Academy of Art and Industry named after S. G. Stroganov (MGKhPA named after Stroganov)Diploma in Design.In 2004 Architectural Prize 2004 Moscow1996-2012Design studio "MONOPOLLY DESIGN" Moscow2012-2015Italy Pesaro Polina Ogiy Gallery “IL SOGNO”2017- Sicily Palermo.

2022 Pesaro Polina Ogiy Gallery “IL SOGNO”

1.The exhibition "Epoca del Sogno" Pesaro 2011 albergo Crueser

2.The exhibition "Epoca del Sogno" Pesaro 2011 albergo Alexsandr

 3.The exhibition "Luce e ombra"galleria "IL SOGNO"22.08.2013

 4.The exhibition "I volti del Buddha"galleria "IL SOGNO"11.07.2013

 5.The exhibition "LE FIGLIE DI EVA"galleria "IL SOGNO"22.08.2012

 6.The exhibition "VEDERE"galleria "IL SOGNO"24.04.2014

 7.The exhibition "Alba in SICILIA"galleria "IL SOGNO"12.07.2014

 8.The exhibition "Le tartarughe" galleria "IL SOGNO"12.07.2014

 9.The exhibition personale Palazzo Consiglio regionale delle Marche Ancona 26.11.2014

 10.The exhibition By the 10.04.2016-12.06.2016 the Gallery Poppi (AR), is hosting “De Naturarum Magnificentia”, a group exhibition curated by Sara Lovari and Silvia Rossi, in collaboration with ExpArt studio&gallery.
11. Premio internazionale  Arte  Milano 2017/07/25

Polina Ogiyからもっと見る

キャンバスのオイル | 59.1x39.4 in
キャンバスのオイル | 47.2x23.6 in
キャンバスのオイル | 47.2x23.6 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 57.1x78.7 in

