Explorer (2017) Scultura da Paul Bretter

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Venditore Paul Bretter

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33,00 USD
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Banca d'immagine d'arte
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Scultura, Cemento / Calcestruzzo su Plastica
  • Dimensioni Altezza 16,5in, Larghezza 3,9in / 2.00 kg
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in perfette condizioni
  • Adatto per l'esterno? Sì, Questa opera d'arte può essere visualizzata all'aperto
  • Categorie Sculture sotto i 5.000 USD Figurativo Scienza
The sculpture "Explorer" is a stunning depiction of an astronaut in concrete, capturing the essence of space exploration. The intricate details and skillful craftsmanship bring the figure to life, conveying a sense of wonder and awe. The monochromatic color scheme adds a modern touch, further highlighting the futuristic theme. This sculpture[...]
The sculpture "Explorer" is a stunning depiction of an astronaut in concrete, capturing the essence of space exploration. The intricate details and skillful craftsmanship bring the figure to life, conveying a sense of wonder and awe. The monochromatic color scheme adds a modern touch, further highlighting the futuristic theme. This sculpture is a true testament to the artist's talent and creativity, and a must-see for any art enthusiast. Its bold and unique design makes it a standout piece that is sure to leave a lasting impression on its viewers.

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Tradotto automaticamente
Born in 1983 in Odessa, Ukraine, I began my artistic education at the Odessa Art College, where I graduated in 2003. In 2009, I earned a degree in sculpture from the Kyiv National Academy of Arts and Architecture.[...]

Born in 1983 in Odessa, Ukraine, I began my artistic education at the Odessa Art College, where I graduated in 2003. In 2009, I earned a degree in sculpture from the Kyiv National Academy of Arts and Architecture. I then spent six years teaching at the Odessa Art College's Department of Sculpture, before devoting myself fully to my own artistic practice. My works have been exhibited in galleries and museums throughout Ukraine and beyond, and I continue to explore new ideas and techniques in my ongoing pursuit of artistic expression.

Located in the heart of Odessa, Ukraine, my studio is a creative space where I bring my artistic vision to life. Filled with natural light and surrounded by inspiring objects, it is where my sculptures come to life.  

Vedere più a proposito di Paul Bretter

Visualizzare tutte le opere
Scultura - Bronzo | 24,4x6,7 in
5.517 USD
Scultura - Gesso | 15x5,9 in
3.303 USD
Scultura - Gesso | 26,4x5,9 in
1.866 USD
Scultura - Bronzo | 18,5x4,7 in
3.945 USD


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