Winter Leaves. Volumetric mosaic (2021) Rzeźba autorstwa Elena Kirillova


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Sprzedawca Elena Kirillova

Papier artystyczny, 8x8 in

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33,38 USD
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  1497 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1497x1500
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Bank dzieł sztuki
Wall Sculpture of mosaic "Winter Leaves". The subject of the work came during walks in the woods in late autumn when the fallen leaves cover with frost and the first snow. The dried leaves are twisted into unique shapes, the colors become colder and more complex. Volumetric mosaic / micromosaic. Three-dimensional[...]
Wall Sculpture of mosaic "Winter Leaves".

The subject of the work came during walks in the woods in late autumn when the fallen leaves cover with frost and the first snow. The dried leaves are twisted into unique shapes, the colors become colder and more complex.

Volumetric mosaic / micromosaic. Three-dimensional mosaic painting made in my author's technique.
The work is made of pieces of smalt and glass.
Each glass element is melted manually.
Each smalt tesser is cut and pasted manually and securely glued to a special glue on a synthetic board.
Materials: smalt, glass, stone.
Fastening hardware at the back.
It is hand signed by me on the backside and will arrive ready to hang.
Weight without packaging 9 kg

Powiązane tematy

Picture From SmaltMosaic Of Elena KirillovaContemporymosaicInterior DecorationMicromosaic

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Artist, mosaicist. Member of International Association of Contemporary Mosaicists AIMC (Ravenna). In 2009 I have taken the nippers, mosaic hammer and since that time I cannot release them from my[...]

Artist, mosaicist.
Member of International Association of Contemporary Mosaicists AIMC (Ravenna).
In 2009 I have taken the nippers, mosaic hammer and since that time I cannot release them from my hands.
Mosaic for me is an opportunity to make life brighter. Any idea realized in a mosaic becomes juicier and more festive. Mosaics from smalt turn out colorful, with amazing positive energy. I like working with my hands, feeling the depth of colors, processing a tree, cutting smalt, always being surprised and enjoying the result.

I love mosaics and respect traditional techniques, but I try to do something new, something that raises a lot of questions. For me it's interesting to come up with new techniques. My new author's technique is a mosaic made of pieces of fused glass. Each glass element is melted manually. This everything is in combination with smalt and metals. 

I realize my ideas in pictures, objects of interior, furniture.
I take part in various local and international exhibitions.
Works are kept in private collections.

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