O Cante Alentejano (2015) Pintura por Inês Dourado

Vendedor Inês Dourado

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US$ 44,70
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  1143 px  

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Esta obra é exibida em 8 coleções
  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Acrílico em Tela
  • Dimensões Altura 23,6in, Largura 31,5in
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte está em perfeito estado
  • Moldura Esta obra de arte não está emoldurada
  • Categorias Pinturas de US$ 20.000 Figurativo Retrato
The Cante Alentejano - Tribute to the "cante" and Alentejo's popular singers, south of Portugal - Acrilico sobre tela (Acrylic on canvas) Note: In November 2014 the Cante Alentejano was declared by UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This painting is a little tribute to the “Cante Alentejano” and to the[...]
The Cante Alentejano - Tribute to the "cante" and Alentejo's popular singers, south of Portugal - Acrilico sobre tela (Acrylic on canvas)

Note: In November 2014 the Cante Alentejano was declared by UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This painting is a little tribute to the “Cante Alentejano” and to the Alentejo's popular singers.
As you can see in painting image, the men are dressed with shepherd typical costumes. In the center, the man is dressed with a costume, normally used by the foreman and/or by the boss - also called “fato domingueiro” (sunday’s costume). The hats and the neckerchiefs was two indispensable elements, because protect them from the sun or from the rain. In the summer the Alentejo is a very very hot region and in winter is very cold.
But what is the “Cante Alentejano? "Cante Alentejano" is a polyphonic singing from Alentejo, south of Portugal. It’s
«a genre of traditional two-part singing performed by amateur choral groups in southern Portugal, characterized by distinctive melodies, lyrics and vocal styles, and performed without instrumentation. Groups consist of up to thirty singers divided into groups. The ponto, in the lower range, starts the singing, followed by the alto, in the higher range, which duplicates the melody a third or a tenth above, often adding ornaments. The entire choral group then takes over, singing the remaining stanzas in parallel thirds. The alto is the guiding voice heard above the group throughout the song. A vast repertoire of traditional poetry is set to existing or newly created melodies. Lyrics explore both traditional themes such as rural life, nature, love, motherhood and religion, and changes in the cultural and social context. Cante is a fundamental aspect of social life throughout Alentejano communities, permeating social gatherings in both public and private spaces. Transmission occurs principally at choral group rehearsals between older and younger members. For its practitioners and aficionados, cante embodies a strong sense of identity and belonging. It also reinforces dialogue between different generations, genders and individuals from different backgrounds, thereby contributing to social cohesion.» (Cf. UNESCO site)*

Temas relacionados

PortugalCante AlentejanoAlentejoBejaÉvora

Inês Dourado é uma premiada pintora contemporânea portuguesa. Nas pinturas de Dourado, encontra-se a essência poética de paisagens urbanas movimentadas e dias repletos[...]

Inês Dourado é uma premiada pintora contemporânea portuguesa. Nas pinturas de Dourado, encontra-se a essência poética de paisagens urbanas movimentadas e dias repletos de luz e sombra. Utilizando uma gama diversificada de meios, como acrílico, óleo, aquarela, caneta gel e têmpera, ela habilmente cria paisagens urbanas figurativas em papel e tela.

Inês Dourado nasceu em 1958, em Portugal. É licenciada em História da Arte e Mestre em História da Arte Contemporânea pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. Dourado expôs seus trabalhos em Portugal, Espanha e Argentina, e seus trabalhos estão em coleções particulares na Alemanha, Espanha, Suíça, França, Brasil, China, Austrália e Estados Unidos.

Ver mais de Inês Dourado

Ver todas as obras
Aquarela em Papel | 7,9x11 in
US$ 381,82
US$ 347,62
Acrílico em Tela | 19,7x15,8 in
US$ 1.366,56
Óleo em Placa de MDF | 8,3x11,8 in
US$ 586,97
US$ 518,59
Óleo em Tela | 13,8x10,6 in
US$ 877,61
US$ 814,92


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