Great-Aunt Ernie as a Young Lady Leaning Against an Old Car (2010) 摄影 由 Drapala Gallery

  • 原创艺术品 摄影,
  • 外形尺寸 尺寸可根据要求提供
关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 技术 摄影 摄影是指过程、技术和材料的组合,使您可以在静止图像中捕捉主体。照片也指获得的图像,无论是否是照相排版。该术语也可用于指代采用此技术的图形艺术分支。 [...]
You are invited to submit . . . As you know, this is a thought-provoking time for all humanity. Thus, I will be working with fellow artists/writers to create the second women's anthology book.  The[...]

You are invited to submit . . .

As you know, this is a thought-provoking time for all humanity. Thus, I will be working with fellow artists/writers to create the second women's anthology book. 

The first book, "Strong Women's Art Anthology, was published in 2018, which can be found by searching the name of the book, "Strong Women's Art Anthology."

"2020, Women Artists' Create!" book shall convey the strength of humanity through art images/writing. This post is a call to Women Artists/Writers World Wide;  Artists, Drawers, Mixed Media Creators, Painters, Photographers, Sculptors, Welders, Writers, etc.  

"2020, Women Artists' Create!"; art/writing submissions end January 31, 2021. 

The upcoming book is an opportunity for women artists to submit their work to express themselves through their art/writing, focusing on the 2020 year. Another purpose is to allow women artists to have the opportunity to be published without being charged money to do so.  

I plan to give each artist two pages, one for their art and the other one for why they created their art in 2020. If you wish to purchase a copy of the book after the book is published, you may do so at a wholesale price. In other words, you would be paying the same amount for the book as I will be paying. Postage costs vary, especially if you live in another country. 

Your work will communicate the strength of humanity that you know personally or some famous person who works/worked in their field of work, technology, science, the medical profession, education, etc., during the 2020 Pandemic. The images/writings, submission date, is no later than January 31, 2021, and are requested to be in high resolution so that the Anthology book has crisp and clear images. 

Please note; I do not need original artworks/writings.  If selected to be in the book, I will need a signed statement to print your book's image/writing.  You may submit as many images/writings as you would like.  If I receive many submissions, I will have fellow women artists and writers help me select the artists' works. 

A cash donation will be made to a women and children's shelter from books sold after admin costs, postage, and miscellaneous costs have been paid.  Please send high resolutions, at least 600 dpi image(s) to this account. 

Again, "2020, Women Artists' Create!"; art/writing submissions end January 31, 2021. If you have questions, please contact me at this site.   

Good luck, and stay healthy! 


Pamela Carvajal Drapala

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