Awakening I (2022) デジタルアーツ Paweł Pacholec によって

デジタルアーツ, 27.6x19.7 in
プライス: 送料無料
発送元: ポーランド (チューブ)
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最大解像度: 2121 x 3000 px

Paweł Pacholec が販売

We all want to reach the tops, pierce glass ceilings and soar to the sky. Every day we overcome obstacles that others set for us, or those that we create for ourselves. As humans, we are a complex psycho-somatic machine. In order to make our way through the clouds, we must strain all our senses, be strong-willed and never give up. Collage[...]
We all want to reach the tops, pierce glass ceilings and soar to the sky. Every day we overcome obstacles that others set for us, or those that we create for ourselves. As humans, we are a complex psycho-somatic machine. In order to make our way through the clouds, we must strain all our senses, be strong-willed and never give up.

Collage composition is inspired by artists such as Kurt Schwitters and Robert Rauschenberg and artwork itself refers to a style of Dadaism.


CollageCollage ArtCollage ArtworkDigital CollageRetro

A graduate of the School of Art in Gdynia-Orłowo, the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk at the Faculty of Graphics and the University of Arts in Poznań at the Faculty of Photography. Scholarship holder of the[...]

A graduate of the School of Art in Gdynia-Orłowo, the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk at the Faculty of Graphics and the University of Arts in Poznań at the Faculty of Photography. Scholarship holder of the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Winner of many awards, distinctions and participant of many competitions, Biennale, Triennial and exhibitions in Poland and abroad. His works are in the collections of museums and galleries in various parts of the world. Most often he deals with anthropology as well as broadly understood sociology. The technique he uses most often is a collage inspired by the masters of this technique such as Robert Rauschenberg, Kurt Schwitters, Raoul Hausmann and Jerzy Krechowicz. He also uses the medium of photography and drawing in his works.

Paweł Pacholecからもっと見る

デジタルアーツ | 27.6x19.7 in
デジタルアーツ | 27.6x19.7 in
デジタルアーツ | 27.6x19.7 in
デジタルアーツ | 27.6x19.7 in

