Sheep - original artwork with certificate 描画 Pawel Kuczynski によって

紙のパステル, 8.3x11.7 in
プライス: 送料無料
お客様のレビュー (3)
発送元: ポーランド (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ)
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Sheep - authentic work by Pawel Kuczynski.

 Dimensions: 21x29,7 cm

 Who is Pawel? 

Pawel Kuczynski is an internationally renowned satire artist.

 His Facebook profile is followed by more than half a million people and some of his works have become viral on social media by making the web go crazy!

Sheep - authentic work by Pawel Kuczynski.

Dimensions: 21x29,7 cm

Who is Pawel?

Pawel Kuczynski is an internationally renowned satire artist.

His Facebook profile is followed by more than half a million people and some of his works have become viral on social media by making the web go crazy!

The Huffington Post, Focus and many other international magazines have mentioned it in several articles (to check it, just go online and look for his name).

His works cover topics of various kinds, but in particular the impact that new technologies and smartphones have on relationships and our mind.

For some years now, the value of his works is gaining more and more value, so they are excellent for those who want to make an investment.

The work in question is sold with a certificate of authenticity.

Pawel Kuczynski authorizes the sale of this work, which is not sold directly by the artist but by the administrators of his Instagram profile (pawel_kuczynski1).


SatiraSatireSatiricContemporary Painting

I'm observer. I like observe the people and the relations between theym. I only try to say, what I see. I don't try to change anything, but I'm happy, when the people likes my works and when they find[...]

I'm observer. I like observe the people and the relations between theym. I only try to say, what I see.

I don't try to change anything, but I'm happy, when the people likes my works and when they find some important ideas... and after this, they begin to think about change ourselves.


Some people say that are the surrealist drawings. But I think, that I'm a realistic illustrator of our time... our surrealist time.

I was born in 1976 in Szczecin.

I have graduated Fine Arts Academy in Poznan with specialization in graphics.

Since 2004 I deal with satirical illustration,

and so far I have been rewarded with more, than 140 prizes and distinctions.

In 2005 I received "Eryk" * prize from Association of Polish Cartoonists,  for the newly discovered cartoonist, with a record number of awards in international competitions.

* ( name of prize comes from the famous Polish satirical artist - Eryk Lipinski )


I had many groups exhibitions over the world.

The individual exhibitions in Poland and abroad - Serbia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Belgium, Portugal, Cuba, Italy, Lithuania, Sweden, Arab Emirates.


Recently I cooperate permanently with some magazines in Poland and online portal from Arab Emirates. Time to time I'm preparing the illustrations for the magazines from Europe and US, Canada.

I'm dealing with the illustrations for the album art of music bands and the covers for books.

The important part of my creativity is the activity on the social media. From 2011 I have a fan page on the Facebook, and from this time I prepared a lots of illustrations about Facebook and new technology in our life (smartphones, computers..)

I have more than half million observers.

Pawel Kuczynskiからもっと見る

描画 | 9.5x13.8 in
パステル | 10.2x10.2 in
紙のパステル | 10.2x10.2 in
紙のパステル | 10.2x10.2 in

