Портрет 3.23 (2023) 絵画 Pavel Durasov によって

紙のアクリル, 59.1x53.2 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 Pavel Durasov
発送元: ロシア (チューブ) - 国の現在の状況により、追加の遅延が適用される場合があります
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Портрет.мужчина.голова この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル アクリル 合成樹脂と混合した従来の顔料を使用してペイントします。 オイル [...]
Pavel Durasov Born in 1965 in Moscow into the family of Moscow artists. Graduatet from the Moscow Art School in 1983, studied at the Moscow State Art Institute after Surikov. From 1985 he has been regularly partisipating[...]
Pavel Durasov Born in 1965 in Moscow into the family of Moscow artists. Graduatet from the Moscow Art School in 1983, studied at the Moscow State Art Institute after Surikov. From 1985 he has been regularly partisipating in Artists shows. In 1987 Pavel and Anton Arkhipov together with a group of artists (E.Vassilyeva, I.Komov, P.Bragovsky) founded an artistic union "Kovcheg" ("Arc" 1987-1991). Since 1989 he has been receiving a USSR artists Union grant. In 1991 a member of the Moscow artists Union, live in Moscow, his painting in style - "nonformism". Works are in collections: E. Hutton A.I.C.(N-Y.USA), De Kastro (Brazilia, Brazil), F. Bernardi (Paris), G. Baryshnikova (Praque) and Japan (Osaka),Russia, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Australia, Denmark, South Korea. Exhibitions: 1985 - Youth Exhibition. Moscow. The House of Artists.Kuznetski Most street. 1986 - Youth Exhibition. Moscow. The House of Artists.Kuznetski Most street. 1987 - The Spring Exhibition. Moscow. The House of Artists.Kuznetski Most street. 1988 - Exhibition of the Artists Group ォArkサ. Moscow. The Medic House. 1989 - "Out of Genre". Moscow. The House of Youth. 1989 - Exhibition of Soviet Art. Sweden — Denmark. 1989 - "The Youth of Russia". Moscow. The Central House of Artists. 1990 - "The new names". Moscow. The House of Artists.Kuznetski Most street. 1991 - "Spase and Spirit" (catalogue). Moscow. 1991 - "Zona". Moscow "Manezh". 1991 - The Group "Ark". Moscow. "Yunost" magazine publishing house. 1991 - The Autumn Exhibition. Moscow. The House of Artists.Kuznetski Most street. 1991 - The Group Exhibition. Moscow. The Central House of Artists. 1992 - The festival of Art. Pert. Australia. 1992 - Youth Exhibition. Moscow. The House of Artists.Kuznetski Most street. 1993 - The Group Exhibition. Moscow. The House of writers. 1993 - The Group Exhibition. Moscow. The Central House of Artists. 1994 - "Realism and Avanguard". Gallery "Alte-Post". Westerland. Germany. 1994 - "Realism and Avanguard". Hutt-Gallery. Amsterdam. Holland. 1994 - The Group Exhibition. Riga. The House of Artists. Latvia. 1995 - Youth Exhibition. Moscow. The House of Artists.Kuznetski Most street. 1996 - "Art - Moscow" (catalogue). Moscow. The Central House of Artists. 1997 - "Messe - Dusseldorf". Germany. 1998 - The Exhibition in "Absolut". Moscow. 1998 - 2008 The Group Exhibitions. Moscow. The Central House of Artists. 2002 - "The picturesque world" (catalogue). Moscow "Manezh". 2003 - "The artists Union" (catalogue). Moscow "Manezh". 2006 - The personal exhibition "Nonformizm". А-3. Moscow. 2008 - "Bez nazvaniya" (catalogue). А-3. Moscow. 2010 - "Dela nebesnye". А-3. Moscow. 2012 - "The artists Union - 80" . Moscow. The Central House of Artists.

Pavel Durasovからもっと見る

オイル | 39.4x29.9 in
紙のアクリル | 37.4x37.4 in
紙のアクリル | 43.3x31.5 in
リネンキャンバスのオイル | 22.8x18.9 in

