The Old Antiques 絵画 Rajka Serbak によって


Rajka Serbak が販売



最大解像度: 5669 x 7559 px

Rajka Serbak が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク 絵画,
  • 寸法 高さ 25.2in, 幅 18.9in
この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル 技術 絵画 絵画は、色のついた液体を美的に適用することにより、表面に絵画を描く芸術形式です。画家は、紙、岩、帆布、木、樹皮、ガラス、コンクリート、その他多くの下地などのサポートで非常に個人的な表現を表現します。[...]


AntiquesTraditional ArtPaintingDrawingBlack And White

At the end of the 19th century, He came from somewhere from Montenegro, brought with himself, his pride, his legend and his ancestors' legacy, which he secretly and secretly managed to preserve, as they preserved[...]

At the end of the 19th century, He came from somewhere from Montenegro, brought with himself, his pride, his legend and his ancestors' legacy, which he secretly and secretly managed to preserve, as they preserved all this before him, traveling and seeking better conditions for his family through the genealogy for more than 7500 years ...
He himself raised 13 hearths in the storm of fighting oppressors, and remembered him as a human and great proud fighter for the birth of a nation to whom he belonged ...
When he left, he had his gusles in his hands, and brought with him all the positive energy collected for thousands of years. That same cosmic energy is now returned from the Gods of Nature by those who have come to remember Him with a sincere heart ...

These paintings, and this Galleryes is dedicated exactly to His Majesty, because they were created precisely with the positive cosmic energy that He, and only He could have and carry with Him ...

He was my ancestor.

The women was born in 1957 near Sarajevo... painting has appeared as a cosmic energy which turns into an artistic picture with hand..., and goes on...

Rajka Serbakからもっと見る

絵画 | 19.7x19.7 in
絵画 | 19.7x19.7 in
絵画 | 24.8x18.9 in
絵画 | 19.7x19.7 in

