Perfectionism 3 (2020) 描画 Раиль Давлетшин によって

紙のジェルペン, 8.3x11.8 in
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Раиль Давлетшин が販売



最大解像度: 4779 x 3376 px

Раиль Давлетшин が販売

I was inspired to create this drawing by the human desire for the ideal. In order to develop the concept of this drawing with all the sketches and sketches and unsuccessful rejected options in the process of drawing with the final 5 similar copies, I periodically spent several months of time, a very complex drawing that required precision to live up[...]
I was inspired to create this drawing by the human desire for the ideal. In order to develop the concept of this drawing with all the sketches and sketches and unsuccessful rejected options in the process of drawing with the final 5 similar copies, I periodically spent several months of time, a very complex drawing that required precision to live up to its title, there are many rejected drafts as proof. This is the first version of the drawing, the rest of the options have some differences, but in general, the contours and concept of the drawing are the same


PerfectionismAbstractionGeometricalDiamondsBlack And White And Red

I have been drawing since I was 6 years old, I have not received an art education, and I have no talent for drawing, because I cannot draw in the classical style, I cannot paint with paints, for example, portraits,[...]

I have been drawing since I was 6 years old, I have not received an art education, and I have no talent for drawing, because I cannot draw in the classical style, I cannot paint with paints, for example, portraits, landscapes, interiors. But at the same time I was always drawn to drawing, since childhood I have been drawing various cartoon and comic book characters, emblems and logos, adding some changes, all this was a childhood hobby. At the age of 20 I started to come up with drawings, my style was different from the standard drawing styles, I did not know what style they belong to. Now I draw geometric abstractions, mostly in many of my drawings there are words, this is my style, I draw with gel pens, I use a ruler, I draw on A4 drawing paper. Now I spend several months on one drawing, taking into account the development of the concept itself, I make many sketches, bringing it to the point when my drawing is completely satisfactory to me. Drawing is often very difficult for me, I force myself to draw, the desire to create and create something pursues, probably, it is in my temperament, there have never been exhibitions, recently I started registering in various well-known online galleries so that people can see and appreciate my drawings. For more information contact me, I will answer your questions.

Раиль Давлетшинからもっと見る

紙のジェルペン | 24.4x24.4 in
紙のジェルペン | 8.3x11.8 in
紙のジェルペン | 8.3x11.8 in
紙のジェルペン | 8.3x11.8 in

