Oscar Cirio (Wilde) Immagine del profilo

Oscar Cirio (Wilde)

Torlano di Nimis "Udine", Italia
Artista (Pittura)
Nato a 1959

Oscar Cirio was born in Udine in 1959 and currently resides between Flumignano and Torlano of Nimis (UD) NorthEast Italy.
Already from the age of seven years draweth near to the world of creativity through modeling, where he was able to figure out the proportions and fields of color needed to make the models created by him
as close as possible to reality.
Then is passionate about the geometric depth study of lights, shadows and perspectives , associating it also to his great interest addressed
the study of color , harmonies and various color combinations that will be tested extensively when Cirio will begin to engage in figurinismo .
Principiata this new experience Cirio began studying the history of costume from 500, years in which
born the first military uniforms .
When the decoration of its shapes Cirio enter the light
zenith (ie light that comes from above ) by increasing , by doing so , the effect of light and dark tones .
Refined this passion participates in competitions figurinismo in Trieste , Udine and San Daniele and outside the region, over the years " 97-98-99 " . Of these shares have been issued by various juries special mentions .
Because of the work that absorbs much of his time , Oscar needs an artistic new to give vent to his creativity , the model takes too much time and deteriorates the view,
thus overcomes the painting of all artistic expressions and the artist began , about 10 years ago, to propose, through a figurative language , his emotions and his life experiences.
Particularly fond of all the contemporary artists such as : Afro Basaldella , De Chirico, Dali and the current metaphysical current of American abstract expressionism .
His research is directed purely on color and color scheme and the new challenge is to seek the maximum expression of a color before it changes and enter into other colors.
Emblematic square in its initial path with the theme: boats on the sea, landscapes and flowers, small experiments that
eventually dropped because it feels too tied to the form . Oscar is now mature and prepared to enter the informal world , also because it reflects the personal urgency to take advantage of the time given to him , this extremely artistic expression helps the artist to capture the thoughts of the moment suggellandoli ibernandoli the canvas and carefully prepared .
The glazing technique , used by the author , provides a series of actions designed to be erected in order to obtain the desired result, he almost always starts from the white color reaching step by step
tint desired color , with the use of synthetic thinners Cirio undoes the color well to continue his journey in the world of experimentation.
The use of the spatula as well as what helps him , due to gravitation between colors , dominating the softness of the color that weaves with the other colors independently.
During the making of his paintings , the artist falls into a deep state of rapture and thanks to this state of personal ...

Scopri opere d'arte contemporanea di Oscar Cirio (Wilde), naviga tra le opere recenti e acquista online. Categorie: artisti italiani contemporanei. Domini artistici: Pittura. Tipo di account: Artista , iscritto dal 2014 (Paese di origine Italia). Acquista gli ultimi lavori di Oscar Cirio (Wilde) su Artmajeur: Scopri le opere dell'artista contemporaneo Oscar Cirio (Wilde). Sfoglia le sue opere d'arte, compra le opere originali o le stampe di alta qualità.

Oscar Cirio (Wilde) Immagine del profilo Grande

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