Broken Memories #4 (2023) テキスタイルアート Olga Finkel によって

ファブリックのテキスタイルアート, 39x452.4 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 Olga Finkel
発送元: オーストラリア (チューブ) 2日内で発送
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Wet felting technique was used to create this painting. Merino wool and silk bound together give the work unique texture and interplay of colours. The warmth and sensual qualities of natural fibre soften the room and fit well with contemporary design. この作品について:[...]
Wet felting technique was used to create this painting. Merino wool and silk bound together give the work unique texture and interplay of colours. The warmth and sensual qualities of natural fibre soften the room and fit well with contemporary design.



Olga creates textile art pieces of unique texture, colour and depth, combining her innovative techniques with a broad experience in design and fine art. Her favourite materials are wool and silk, which she[...]

Olga creates textile art pieces of unique texture, colour and depth, combining her innovative techniques with a broad experience in design and fine art. Her favourite materials are wool and silk, which she hand-dyes to produce an exquisite and unique palette. Olga "paints" with these natural fibres like a painter does with brush strokes, her work invoking a sense of intimacy, inviting viewers to get closer and discover the beauty, depth and three dimensional quality of it.

Olga currently lives and works in Melbourne after emigrating from Ukraine in 1989. She was born in Kharkov in 1961, graduated from Kharkov University and continued her fine art education in Swinburne University, Melbourne. 

She worked in the fashion industry firstly in ladies high fashion, moving to establishing a millinery business with multiple labels, and serving as its Designer and Production Manager for over a decade. After discovering and falling in love with felting, Olga decided to explore this fascinating medium full-time. Since then, she has created series of portraits, landscapes and abstract pieces, and delivered numerous workshops to students interested in her unique methods.

Staying true to her love of textile, Olga has more recently developed a new technique, covering painted canvas with thin layers of dyed silk. This adds even more depth to her work and creates an effect that is almost palpitating.

Olga continues to exhibit in galleries around Australia and her pieces can be seen in many corners of the world.  

Olga Finkelからもっと見る

ファブリックのテキスタイルアート | 29.5x29.5 in
テキスタイルアート | 33.1x24 in
ファブリックのテキスタイルアート | 47.2x39.4 in
ファブリックのテキスタイルアート | 39x58.7 in

