Full of beauty (2007) 图画 由 Odinel Pierre Junior

图画, 10x8 in
价格: 免费送货
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发货地: 美国 (盒子或纸箱包装)
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最大分辨率: 2550 x 3300 px

卖家 Odinel Pierre Junior

  • 原创艺术品 图画,
  • 外形尺寸 高度 10in, 宽度 8in
  • 分类 画图 低于US$500
关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 技术 图画 绘图是一种在平面支撑上进行视觉表示的技术。术语“绘图”既指绘图的动作、产生的图形工作,也指任何对象的形状。它也是物体或图形的形状(以及可能的光和影值)的表面上的表示,而不是它们的颜色。画法有很多种:“直线画”用物体的轮廓、边缘和一些特征线来表现物体;超出这个限制,绘画通过阴影表现体积来发展,通常通过阴影,结合颜色,并在没有清晰过渡的情况下加入绘画。 [...]


ArtsIllustrationsDesignsFine ArtsDrawings

Self-taught painter, illustrator,graphic designer,with all the imaginary, the spontaneity and the simplicity that goes with it, is at the center of his work. It is not surprising to know that unique style[...]

Self-taught painter, illustrator,graphic designer,with all the imaginary, the spontaneity and the simplicity that goes with it, is at the center of his work.
It is not surprising to know that unique style and his personal artistic vision have been approved unanimously. his artwork have been displayed in the most florida art galleries.

he consistently created portraits and abstract forms in various media reliefs, collages, painted cutouts, sculpture in the round,. Often given a humorous touch, his works contain elements of organic form while retaining their essential abstraction , although it is clear that he belonged to a family of talents. His paintings, executed in brilliant colors and with an uncanny mastery of detail, are filled with strangely animated objects, bizarre shapes, and monstrous, amusing, or diabolical figures however, is obscure and has consistently defied unified interpretation. odinel clearly had an interest in the grotesque, the diabolical, the exuberant, and the macabre. He also may have been one of the few caribbean. painter to depict scenes of everyday life, although often with a strong element of the bizarre. influenced by the art of jacob lawrence,Vincent van Gogh,Degas Edgar,Jean-Michel Basquiat
. In 2000 he exhibited his first brightly colored constellations, called urban bombs, consisting of paintings shapes connected by collages on canvas in delray art museum.
He exhibited at the group's show of 2001 but later diverged from the surrealist style and developed a firmer structure in his artworks.
He created vibrating surface effects from the play of flat against one another and from the subtle transitions of tone and color. In all his work he revealed a reverence for the integrity and dignity of simple forms by rendering them with an almost classical structural stability

odinel junior a fierce discipline on the expression of sentiment in his work. This inhibition resulted in a distinct coldness,
"Perhaps that's why I had a hard time paying attention in school: I had heard most of it before. I was a real dreamer, always drawing pictures or staring out the window. I was a 'C' student, giving up the 'A' in favor of fantasy"

查看更多的Odinel Pierre Junior

图画 | 10x8 in
图画在纸上 | 11x8.5 in
| 10x8 in
图画 | 10x8 in

