6. Sublimation (2020) Schilderij door Cbm


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Verkoper Cbm

Sublimation, Collection An Alchemical Quest, Piece 6/18 Turn Matter into steam, and take flight leaving what is heavy. Take with me what is essential to me and my faith in the magic of the living, last step Salt, Solve and Coagula to extract Prima Materia. Sublimation, Collection Une Quête Alchimique, 6/18 Transformer[...]
Sublimation, Collection An Alchemical Quest, Piece 6/18
Turn Matter into steam, and take flight leaving what is heavy.
Take with me what is essential to me and my faith in the magic of the living, last step Salt, Solve and Coagula to extract Prima Materia.

Sublimation, Collection Une Quête Alchimique, 6/18
Transformer la Matière en vapeur, et prendre son envol en laissant ce qui est lourd.
Emporter avec moi ce qui m'est essentiel et ma foi dans la magie du vivant, dernière étape Sel, Solve et Coagula pour extraire la Materia Prima.

Verwante thema's


Automatisch vertaald
CBm is a multimedia and multidisciplinary artist specializing in cryptic, hermetic, and hermeneutic art. Her long years of esoteric and spiritual research have led her to various mystical experiences, as experimentation[...]

CBm is a multimedia and multidisciplinary artist specializing in cryptic, hermetic, and hermeneutic art. Her long years of esoteric and spiritual research have led her to various mystical experiences, as experimentation is her priority to understand and extract from sacred texts, and then retransmit them in her works. From lucid dreaming to remote viewing, from meditation to the study of alchemy, from sacred geometry to the practice of wicca, this artist is passionate about the mysteries of ancient knowledge. 

Always curious about new technologies, CBm is a pioneer of fine art NFTs, and now collaborates with AI in which she adjusts the tool as a separate art form.

#crypticart #hermeticart #mysticalart #sacredgeometry #NFTartist #spiritualart #AIcollaboration

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Acryl op Papier | 10,7x6,8 in
US$ 4.184,61
Acryl op Papier | 10,4x6,7 in
US$ 4.184,61
Acryl op Papier | 10,7x6,8 in
US$ 4.184,61
Acryl op Papier | 10,4x6,7 in
US$ 4.184,61


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