EVERGREEN (2011) Malarstwo autorstwa Njoy

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33,32 USD
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  501 px  

650 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 501x650
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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Oryginalna praca Malarstwo, Olej
  • Wymiary Wysokość 23,6in, Szerokość 18,9in
Oil on canvas... Evergreen gazing in O tej pracy: Klasyfikacja, Techniki & Style Olej Farba składająca się z pigmentów związanych olejem lnianym lub goździkami.[...]
Oil on canvas... Evergreen gazing in

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PUEBLO, Colorado 2023 PARIS 2004 My work has revolved primarily around people for the last six years. I'm a teacher and always observing and studying people in real life and this helps me greatly[...]

PUEBLO, Colorado 2023

PARIS 2004
My work has revolved primarily around people for the last six years. I'm a teacher and always observing and studying people in real life and this helps me greatly intuitively when I am painting portraits. The portraits are painted on wood in oils with a laqué paint base to coat the wood before I start. The portraits to be seen on this site at the moment are Indian portraits. Alot of Hopi Indians, but I didn't do that on purpose. I am just naturally attracted to these Indians, especially the women and the medicine men-healers and warriors. lWhen I have the total vision of the person then I start to paint. I am currently working on (this was in 2002) a series of Asian portraits from all parts of Asia, but again I am especially attracted to Mongolian, Tibetan and Chinese personalities. Color and form are of course very important and sometimes, as is the case of the Indian woman draped in a many-colored blanket, the subject becomes more abstract. There is also a universal or global idea behind these portraits seeing bits and pieces of parts of ourselves when we paint portraits of others. I had an exposition of this group of paintings in March 2001 just outside of Paris.

June 2005 : As far as painting goes, I tend to agree with those that say little, and prefer to let the paintings speak for themselves, however I do think it is important to talk about what happens on the” inside” and particularly when we are propelled into another dimension through paint, colours and forms and when this propulsion becomes so intense that it becomes an every day occurrence and need, not a “sometime” or a “one time, from time to time” occurrence. I want to talk about what happens when we are on this particular path,( I see it within myself as well as in my students who have also chosen to use painting as a tool and a path.)

What seems to be important on this path is when there are “breakthroughs”… when all of sudden the “pieces” of what we have been working on for a short or a long time seem to coagulate into a mainstream idea within our own imagination.. This is an exciting feeling ! Like discovering a new land or a new space to explore.

Things also seem to “bottleneck” just before the breakthrough,meaning we have the impression of being in a space that is just too small and no longer comfortable..so of course the feeling of discovery is even greater. This is what has just happened with the “Collage” works on the .

All of sudden I started seeing how different paintings actually fit together into a whole in terms of colors, ideas and forms . Repeating the motif (in the form of the painting ) also help to increase the effect when you see the paintings re-united together. It is as though we were able to start painting the “pieces” of the master plan and then were able to see at last how these pieces all fit together. I know this is going to have an effect on future paintings. I don’t think it can be any other way as there has been a sort of ...

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Zobacz wszystkie dzieła
Olej na Płótno | 30x24 in
365,9 USD
Olej na Płótno | 28x36 in
700,08 USD
Olej na Płótno | 14,2x9,5 in
248,09 USD
Olej na Płótno | 28,4x14,2 in
635,51 USD
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