Silver Dreams (2024) Pittura da Nicole Bajger

Tessuto su Tela, 35,4x25,6 in
1.864,33 USD

Venditore Nicole Bajger

Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Pronto da appendere
Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 3 collezioni
This piece is a reclaim of by-product waste collected over the years. The silver is leftover packaging bubble wrap from a food service my boyfriend used last year(2023). The black fabric is nylon tights I have collected over the years, be it because they were too small or ripped. The safety pins are something current, that I had purchased to use for[...]
This piece is a reclaim of by-product waste collected over the years. The silver is leftover packaging bubble wrap from a food service my boyfriend used last year(2023). The black fabric is nylon tights I have collected over the years, be it because they were too small or ripped. The safety pins are something current, that I had purchased to use for a different project.

I love this piece is very close to my heart, it came to me in a dream, hence the name Silver Dream.
I enjoyed the up-cycling part of this project immensely. It made me look into other things that I own that could be reworked.
Tradotto automaticamente
I am a self thought artist for the most part and have been painting or somehow creating(clay work, collage, photography) since I was little. Ive finished Bachillerato de Arte. In my artwork you can find;[...]

I am a self thought artist for the most part and have been painting or somehow creating(clay work, collage, photography) since I was little. Ive finished Bachillerato de Arte.

In my artwork you can find; Texture, Up-cycling and Lines.

I like to have a playful approach when it comes to production, sometimes it is more purposeful, but for the most part I just let it come to me. 

Currently I am obsessed in utilising byproduct materials or extending the life of textile around me. The pieces I create are very personal to me, some involve utilising old clothing, things left over from personal projects. 

Other times, when my creation involves paint, the pieces hold a lot of emotion as I tend to work the piece until it "feels" correct. Most times it is an outlet of whatever Im feeling at the moment. Other times I just want to create and put my hands to work. 

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