Black horse on a red chessboard (2021) 图画 由 Natalie Levkovska


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“Black horse on a red chessboard” Elegant black horse pranks on a red chessboard. You may have won one battle, but right now around the corner, the Game goes on again. As a child, I really liked horses, and the entire wall of my room was decorated with posters, my drawings and photographs of horses. I remember how I drew them everywhere[...]
“Black horse on a red chessboard”
Elegant black horse pranks on a red chessboard.
You may have won one battle, but right now around the corner, the Game goes on again.
As a child, I really liked horses, and the entire wall of my room was decorated with posters, my drawings and photographs of horses. I remember how I drew them everywhere in a childish way. When at the age of 9 I was brought to a drawing class, where mostly adults were involved in drawing, the first thing I saw there was a plaster horse. “I want to draw her,” I said, to which the wise teacher A.S. Lukatsky said that the right to draw a horse still needs to be earned, and one must start with a ball and a cube. I think now I have earned the right to draw my horse, and more than one😊.
The drawing is from the series of works "What’s up, Bunny?" created between 2021 and 2022. This collection reveals the author's desire to tell common human stories, to convey different psychological states and moods through recognizable images, and to look at one's life problems and experiences with a smile.
This is a one-of-a-kind drawing made by me in gouache and colored pencils on high quality paper. The image is signed by hand on the front side.
Not framed.
Do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Элегантный черный конь гарцует на красно белой шахматной доске.
Возможно, вы выиграли эту сражение, но прямо за углом вас ждет другая Игра.
В детстве мне очень нравились лошади и в моей комнате вся стена была увешана фотографиями с лошадьми, и я хоть и не умело по-детски их постоянно рисовала. Когда в 9 лет меня привели в кружок рисунка, где по большей части рисунком занимались взрослые люди, то первое, что я там увидела была гипсовая лошадь. “Хочу ее рисовать” - сказала я, на что мудрый преподаватель А.С. Лукацкий сказал, что право рисовать лошадь нужно еще заслужить, и начнем мы с шара и куба. Думаю, что теперь я заслужила право нарисовать свою лошадку, и не одну😊.


Playing ChessBlack White RedBlack HorseDrawing HorseLove Horses

Natalie Levkovska 是一位经验丰富的立陶宛画家和插画家。 1995年,她获得了大师级艺术家(Abramtsevo应用艺术学院)的石材、骨骼和木材加工学位,并于1999年完成了服装设计(维尔纽斯艺术学院)学位。后来她成为电影业的服装设计师,后来成为皮草设计师。 2006年,她决定改变自己的生活:搬到伦敦的一家设计工作室工作,并开始尝试油画。 她创作简单而富有诗意的艺术作品,融合了超现实主义和天真艺术。她的艺术宇宙是一种魔幻现实主义:她喜欢展示现实生活中的物体,试图带出空间的魔幻脉动。她创作的情节取材于她的生活:一年中不同时间她家附近的白桦林、所爱之人的肖像、她在雪中的村庄……

Natalie Levkovska 是一位经验丰富的立陶宛画家和插画家。 1995年,她获得了大师级艺术家(Abramtsevo应用艺术学院)的石材、骨骼和木材加工学位,并于1999年完成了服装设计(维尔纽斯艺术学院)学位。后来她成为电影业的服装设计师,后来成为皮草设计师。 2006年,她决定改变自己的生活:搬到伦敦的一家设计工作室工作,并开始尝试油画。


Natalie Levkovska 组织了 19 个个人展览,参加了许多绘画和素描活动,她的画作可以在许多私人收藏中找到。

艺术家在 Artmajeur 杂志的一篇文章中被强调:

查看更多的Natalie Levkovska

水粉在纸板上 | 39.4x27.6 in
水粉在纸上 | 7.9x12.6 in
水粉在纸上 | 11.8x16.5 in
油在帆布上 | 45.3x57.1 in

