The Mini Farce III (2001) 绘画 由 Mhd59


Mhd59 出售



最大分辨率: 650 x 650 px

Mhd59 出售

  • 原创艺术品 绘画,
  • 外形尺寸 高度 36in, 宽度 38in
Artist: Maximin Lida - Category: Contemporary Painting Collection - Specifications: Oil on Canvas - Certificate: Yes with Serial Number - Size: 38x36x3 - Official Website: - For more Info about the Painting and pricing CALL: 305 993 5283 [...]
Artist: Maximin Lida -
Category: Contemporary Painting Collection -
Specifications: Oil on Canvas -
Certificate: Yes with Serial Number -
Size: 38x36x3 -
Official Website: -
For more Info about the Painting and pricing CALL: 305 993 5283
No matter what you do in your life and at work, you should always do the best and most beautiful things you can. Most will say that you do not have to be so meticulous or need to do as much as you do -just[...]

No matter what you do in your life and at work, you should always do the best and most beautiful things you can. Most will say that you do not have to be so meticulous or need to do as much as you do -just the minimum. Well, I think that any task you accomplish should be as aesthetic as possible; beauty cannot hurt, but remember that doing something beautiful and simple is often difficult to achieve. Simplicity is difficult .....

MHD .59 or Maximin Lida, American, Born in Paris, France, attended the University of Art and Philosophy as well as the Technical College of Food and Management. He has obtained a license and two bachelor’s degrees. Artistically gifted, Maximin Lida spends most of his time working as an independent Artist in many fields, and creating Art during the past 30 years.

Maximin’s art shows creativity in various genres, versatility, open-mindedness, and flexibility of style. His art reflects aestheticism and creativity with a message or reflection inspiring understanding.

Highly knowledgeable in art, Maximin Lida is in perpetual “war” with artists who produce large amounts of nonsense solely for the purpose of profiting from today’s art marketplace. Today, Art in many ways has become a business allowing monetary gain without investment or regard for expression, true freedom or artistic creativity. Art can be learned in many ways, however, a true gift and knowledge of art and it’s history should be mandatory requirements for the serious artist.

“There have always been two kinds of painters: those who went past the line, and those who knew how, respectfully and with patience, to go up just to the limit. The first, because of their impatience, were labeled passionate geniuses. The second, because of their humble patience, have been labeled cold and merely artisans.”

- SD / OUI - P. 9 / Reflections 2 - 1927 - 1933


绘画 | 36x38 in
绘画 | 38x36 in
绘画 | 24x48 in

