The Dance of Life (2020) 描画 Marjolein Gamble によって

紙の鉛筆, 16.5x22.8 in
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 描画, 紙の 鉛筆
  • 寸法 高さ 16.5in, 幅 22.8in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 図面 $1,000未満 スピリチュアルアート 秘教
I still remember how a high school teacher demonstrated, graphically on the black-board, that our world is not polarized as per Good and Evil, but rather informed by a threefold continuum with two extremes and a balancing center point. Let’s look at abundance as an example. At the end of the spectrum, you could place frugality, living[...]
I still remember how a high school teacher demonstrated, graphically on the black-board, that our world is not polarized as per Good and Evil, but rather informed by a threefold continuum with two extremes and a balancing center point.

Let’s look at abundance as an example.
At the end of the spectrum, you could place frugality, living in lack (a Scrooge) and at the other extreme you can think of being extravagant, over indulgent and ungrounded. At the center of these two extremes lies the possibility of managing them harmoniously; of keeping them in balance. It is a process rather than an absolute polarization.

As such,it is a dance that controls the extremes and “holds” the center consciously! The central figure here is our higher inner guidance and compass, tuned to the music of life.
The colours, gestures and postures help to convey this world view.


BalanceCircle Of LifeLifeHarmonySymbolic

I was born and raised in The Netherlands soon after world-war two by two different families as my mother died when I was five years old. I arrived in Cape Town, alone, at the age of 17 in the middle of the[...]

I was born and raised in The Netherlands soon after world-war two by two different families as my mother died when I was five years old. I arrived in Cape Town, alone, at the age of 17 in the middle of the sixties, straight out of High School. I am still living here!

Most of my life I have taught children at both preprimary and preparatory level, which included a lot of arts and crafts. I developed creative moving toys with woodwork equipment and machinery with adults and disadvantaged youth over the years, much of it painted and with simple mechanical movements. I spent a year at Emerson College, (Sussex, U.K.) in 1974 learning woodwork and doing watercolor painting amongst other things.

I am, since 1996, teaching yoga in my own home-studio. In 2013 I started “carte-blanche” a design business using local African fabrics with the objective of creating work for local seamstresses and artisans. This came to an end with the Pandemic in early 2020.

After a lifetime of teaching others arts and crafts the Pandemic afforded me the opportunity to clear my “carte-blanche” studio and get back to my own artistic endeavours. I started with pencils (as I had designed bright blank cards and note-books in colourful pencil designs for “carte-blanche)”. It was a natural extension and new as I had done wood carving in the past.

In 2016 I wrote and illustrated my own children’s story: “The little Lemon Tree that stood.”

Marjolein Gambleからもっと見る

紙の鉛筆 | 16.5x22.8 in
紙の鉛筆 | 31.1x26 in
紙の鉛筆 | 23.2x16.5 in
紙の鉛筆 | 16.5x22.8 in

