Leaving the Datahighway - von Jacqueline Ditt - Originalgemälde / original painting (2000) 絵画 Mario Strack によって

オイル, 19.7x27.6 in
プライス: 送料無料
発送元: ドイツ (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ)
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク 絵画, オイル
  • 寸法 高さ 19.7in, 幅 27.6in
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $5,000未満 抽象芸術
Acryl auf Grasgewebe - lackiert, (siehe Zusatztext) Signiert, verso datiert u. betitelt - mit Authentizitätsnachweis. Unikat- guter Zustand, gerahmt. Das Original ist auf 2mm Sperrholz aufgezogen und wird mit Rahmung (Holz altsilber-metallic lackiert) geliefert. Grasgewebe ist ein in Asien gefertigtes Naturmaterial, die Oberfläche[...]
Acryl auf Grasgewebe - lackiert, (siehe Zusatztext)
Signiert, verso datiert u. betitelt - mit Authentizitätsnachweis.
Unikat- guter Zustand, gerahmt.

Das Original ist auf 2mm Sperrholz aufgezogen und wird mit Rahmung (Holz altsilber-metallic lackiert) geliefert. Grasgewebe ist ein in Asien gefertigtes Naturmaterial, die Oberfläche vergleichbar mit grober Leinwand. Der Firnis besteht aus einer mehrschichtigen Antiklackierung, wodurch ein Ölgemälde ähnlicher Eindruck entsteht.

© universal arts Galerie Studio GmbH, München

Sie finden Jacqueline Ditts Werke auch bei ebay -
Anbieter: universal-arts


Acryl on grassfibres

Signed, verso dated and titled - with certification of authentcity.
Unikat - good condition, framed

Jacqueline Ditt, born in Munich, was studying graphic-design in the early `80ies for several years, before she decided to become a painter. She does her painting in powerful brushstrokes, acrylic on a surface made of natural grassfibres (it looks like a rough canvas) compound with plywood , finished with antiquely varnish which gives the impression of an oilpaintig . - Her style is known as "Intro Expressionism - the art of soulful expression in temporary context".
Painting is framed (wooden frame antiquesilver-metallic coated)!


Originalgemälde Original Painting Expressionistisch Expressionistic Datahighway Futurism Futurismus Ebay Auvito Dubli

universal arts Galerie Studio GmbHによって表さアーティスト
Mario Strack Born 4. 23. 1956 in Graz (Austria) Autodidact since he left school in the early 70ies, he became a member in several rockbands and toured with them playing the keyboards. During the 80ies[...]

Mario Strack Born 4. 23. 1956 in Graz (Austria)
Autodidact since he left school in the early 70ies, he became a member in several rockbands and toured with them playing the keyboards. During the 80ies he did lots of work as a composer and music producer for small indie-lables and major companies with his own Band "Luna Set" as well as with various other artists. With the beginning of the 90ies he decided to go back to perfect independence. Together with his wife, the painter Jacqueline Ditt, he founded "universal arts" as a concept of "artists marketing concept". This means, they are running there own gallery and a production-studio. Expanding to visual arts, Mario Strack started creating audiovisual clips with the electronic media. His style is known as "Illustrated Music" - a combination of songs and moving pictures - that expands the artwork to a multisensual experience. Today he lives and works as a free artist in Munich (Germany).

He was playing in several rockbands since he left school. His artistcareer began in middle ´70ies and in the ´80ies til the early ´90ies he leaded his own artrockband "Luna Set". Over the years he developed into a singer/songwriter, performer, producer and audio-engineer. 1981 he already started using computers, video- and animationtechnics to expand his work to a multimedia art. His style is known as "Illustrated Music". The computergraphics are also a part of his work most of them result from his videoanimations but they are independent compositions which are available as videostills or photographs.

Mario Strackからもっと見る

写真撮影 | いくつかのサイズ
写真撮影 | いくつかのサイズ
デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ
写真撮影 | いくつかのサイズ

