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Luigi M. Verde

Back to list Added Jan 13, 2024


   We present the concept of an animation that arises from the fusion of two artistic languages: music and photography. The video is inspired by an experimental musical track, created by Cattivi Costume, Raffaele Cesarano (darabouka) and Patrizia Ferrarini (Tibetan bells), which masterfully blends Tibetan bells, ancestral instruments and voice. The result is a sound story that evokes mythological and primordial atmospheres. The photographic images that accompany the music were chosen to represent the visual dimension of this story, through a metaphysical dimension and trying to convey our way of knowing the world through art and away from some stereotypes. We hope you like the video and get involved. Good vision!

   In the depths of the ether, beyond the veil of time, flowed the water of oblivion and memory, weaving the fabric of an ancient legend. This was the silent kingdom of Mnemosyne, creator of memories and secrets, where the echo of past eras vibrated in the air saturated with spells.
   Mnemosyne, the memorial Goddess, splendid and omniscient, was the daughter of the ineffable Uranus and the primordial Gaea and had the gift of remembering everything, even the most distant and hidden things. It was she who held the wisdom and knowledge of the world.
   It happened that one day, in the skies of Olympus, Zeus, supreme among the gods, was taken by a storm of love for Mnemosyne and with her he had nine daughters, the Muses, who inherited his talent for the arts and sciences. But Zeus, fickle and unfaithful, soon tired of Mnemosyne, abandoning her for other lovers.
   The latter, hurt and disappointed, retreated to a secret cave, where she dedicated herself to cultivating her garden of flowers and herbs. Among these, there was a special plant, which had the power to transmit the memory of water. It was the water lily, the water flower par excellence, growing in a clear and deep pond. Mnemosyne used the leaves and petals of the water lily to prepare magical potions which she then drank to ease her pain and to relive the happy moments of her life. Thus, the water lily absorbed her emotions, her memories, her dreams.
   But Mnemosyne was not the only one who knew the secret of this special flower. Her daughters, the Muses, also knew where her mother's cave was located, and sometimes visited her to ask for advice and inspiration. The Muses always brought with them gifts for Mnemosyne, including splendid Tibetan bells, which produced harmonious and relaxing sounds. They were ancient and mysterious instruments, which came from a distant land, where a philosophy of peace and balance was practiced and had the power to create beneficial vibrations, which spread through the air and water, stimulating the mind and body.
   When the Muses played the singing bowls, Mnemosyne felt invigorated, furthermore her water lily potions became more effective while the singing bowls amplified the memory of the water, making it even clearer and more intense.When the Muses played the singing bowls, Mnemosyne felt invigorated, furthermore her water lily potions became more effective while the singing bowls amplified the memory of the water, making it even clearer and more intense.
   Thus it was that Mnemosyne and her Muse Souls became guardians of ethereal knowledge, authors of a narrative song intertwined between the transcendence of the waters and the harmonious choir of the bells, outlining distinctive codes of human and divine creativity that have always sung the cosmic hymn of 'existence.



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