She Is Rejected Among (2018) Escultura por Xthief Xconvict

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US$ 33,29
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  1340 px  

1500 px
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Banco de imagens de arte
  • Obras de arte originais (One Of A Kind) Escultura, Mosaico / Madeira em Objeto
  • Dimensões Altura 3in, Largura 23in / 14.00 kg
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte pode mostrar sinais de desgaste ou falhas visíveis
  • Moldura Esta obra de arte não está emoldurada
  • Apto para exterior? Não, Esta obra de arte não pode ser exibida ao ar livre
  • Categorias Abstrata
This assemblage master technic works Medium of sustainable of light office trash married on wood panel 10mm. Sobre esta obra: Classificação, Técnicas & Estilos Mosaico [...]
This assemblage master technic works Medium of sustainable of light office trash married on wood panel 10mm.

Temas relacionados

Wood PanelTrashOfficeAcrylicsPolice Station

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Thank you for visiting my site ..Feel free i like critisim and true tell me we are in a Democratic World i love corections iwill be highly appriciate any critism chant with me iwill apriciate some Lights in[...]

Thank you for visiting my site ..Feel free i like critisim and true tell me we are in a Democratic World i love corections iwill be highly appriciate any critism chant with me iwill apriciate some Lights in the darknes..

my academic was primary leval only due to lack of school fees ididnt prosper to the next secondary leval ,Art water color was my Adiction Subject. my parent were groundnuts street vendors in this concrate jungle , i also join my parent to trade in the street Rat Race with Cats the local Authorities city council were our big enemies no mercy when they cartch you working saling Ground Nuts was in high demand. it was not easy. Hefty Fine . we used to call them Kanjo.Kaisari. Life was 50-50 Hyhenas all over the Jungle concrate farm to be poor is a big crime no Equity - Justice .No Free Trade social economy.I Thought Hyenas are in the forest alone.

every body has a past to me iwas a thief Hyena stealing, murging , Breaking and stealing was my life of temptation daily rooting of life , Running and Hiding from the society , no freedom , it was hard life not easy,My Life i was eating like a bird everytime worred not easy. there was no option due to poverty situation..
imeet my classmet in the street on 4 wheel drive stolen,one day iasked him one quetion pleace tell me were you get your bread Life is not easy here Ratrace with local Gorvamenty ,he introduce me to crime of stealing and murging , we were 4 comrades , Bigshanti,Stevo all Dead By fire Mob Justice Excution ,Sunguch -nicknamed >Johnny Alias ( the big head) our master he was burried with stones in the Gheto we were stealing TV , Radio was in Demand High , & money from the peoples by murgging to survive not easy Tereble life living Dangourasly. Money was Many there Like Papers.

At 14 iwas covicted in juvinile chidrens prison thas were i learned more craft practicals for 8 years it was reducede to 4 years, Art colour was not there only craft ,Welding,woodworing,now working casual capentry welder-Signriting i work it Under the Burning Sun.

Prison is Hell to me Hell is prison iwas realice in prison 1993 i started wall branding sign writing and grafiti advarts for items for sale , is the job am surviving with in this street concrate jungle iam not athief any more,i eat my sweet Sweat now ireap what isaw & plant color in the jungle of crazy people of madnes.

when the season grafhics season is low i paint at my home small studio is fan painting i feel rejoiced once i feel my Body is new , i am a family man Divorced i have established two doughters by the grace of GOD is my only saviour he savied my from the fire fire fire more fire from the Mob Justice they have no mercy on thieves or witches , law breakers are burnt alive or Bured live with stones , no justice no justifire no mercy,

crime doesent pay

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