Angel of Hope (2008) 描画 Lori Daniel-Falk によって

紙のパステル, 24x18 in
プライス: 送料無料
発送元: アメリカ合衆国
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク 描画, 紙の パステル
  • 寸法 高さ 24in, 幅 18in
  • カテゴリ 図面 $20,000未満
Original Framed Artwork 18×24 This beautiful angelic artwork, was created by Visionary Artist and Angel Communicator, Lori Daniel Falk, as a talisman for Hope. Let her bring you comfort in time of need, peace in times of turmoil, and most important of all, let her replace fear with the healing power of love. Pastel Chalk, Glitter Paints &[...]
Original Framed Artwork 18×24
This beautiful angelic artwork, was created by Visionary Artist and Angel Communicator, Lori Daniel Falk, as a talisman for Hope. Let her bring you comfort in time of need, peace in times of turmoil, and most important of all, let her replace fear with the healing power of love. Pastel Chalk, Glitter Paints & Diamond Dust on paper.

Message from the Angel of Hope

The Angel of HOPE reminds us that we have the power to resolve things that seem to be bothering us. As co-creative spiritual beings, having a human experience, we need only remember who we really are and put our power into action. The first thing we must do is stop buying into the illusion of the situation. Rather than listening to the critics, naysayers and skeptics, and believing that the sky is falling, perhaps we should remember what is truth. And the truth of the matter is that things aren’t really falling apart; rather they are changing, growing and evolving into something so much grander and greater than anything we have ever known. It’s simply time to do things better. It’s not a revolution we’re seeking, it’s a kinder, gentler, more loving approach to life that we’re after and that folks, includes business, finances, world affairs and even our own interpersonal relationships. We must get a crystal clear picture of what we’d like our world, and our lives, to look like. We must believe with all our heart and all our soul that we can have what it is we are wanting. In fact, we have to believe it so much that we can actually feel the excitement of how we will feel when we actually have it.

The Angel of Hope is designed to:
• Remind you that you have the power to resolve things that seem to be bothering you
• Enable you to put words into action
• Inspire loving and positive thought processes
• Teach you the importance of kindness
• Bring you comfort, when you need it most
• Replace your fears with the healing power of love!

Angel of Hope is perfect for:
• Anyone dealing with health issues
• Those with financial woes or concerns
• Anyone who needs a little extra “light” in their lives!

Let this Angelic Message Portrait be your talisman for Hope. Let her bring you comfort in time of need, peace in times of turmoil, and most important of all, let her replace fear with the healing power of love.

Buy NOW …
$4444 / 4,000 EUR

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For more information contact the Angels at 608.630.8246



Lori Daniel Falk is an Epigenetic Healing Artist, Author, and Health and Wellness Coach. She has been gifted with a new artistic healing modality designed to clear your emotional ancestral DNA, helping to alleviate[...]

Lori Daniel Falk is an Epigenetic Healing Artist, Author, and Health and Wellness Coach. She has been gifted with a new artistic healing modality designed to clear your emotional ancestral DNA, helping to alleviate dis-ease. The portraits Lori creates have found homes in over twenty-five countries around the world, have graced the covers of numerous magazines, were a regular feature on both the DailyOm and at Hay House Publishing's conferences. Lori has been a featured guest on both radio and TV. Lori is available for private consultations, life coaching and custom portraits. Her latest book, "What the World Needs to Know NOW, Wisdom of the Angels," is currently available at

