The Soul's Reflection #1 (2023) 絵画 Lindsey Mcalister Obe Jp によって

キャンバスのアクリル, 17.9x17.9 in
プライス: 送料無料
発送元: 中華人民共和国香港特別行政区 (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) 2日内で発送
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最大解像度: 3304 x 3306 px

販売者 Lindsey Mcalister Obe Jp

This mixed media artwork depicts a Buddha, his serenely contemplative face focuses inward but there is an internal energy that is at odds with the calmness of his appearance. The portrayal meditates on reflection of inner and outer harmony and conflict through simplicity and stillness of form. The piece is created with a photographic transfer,[...]
This mixed media artwork depicts a Buddha, his serenely contemplative face focuses inward but there is an internal energy that is at odds with the calmness of his appearance.
The portrayal meditates on reflection of inner and outer harmony and conflict through simplicity and stillness of form. The piece is created with a photographic transfer, decorative coloured paper and pages from a book.

It is varnished to protect it from dust and UV-light, comes unframed, signed on the back.


SerenePurpleBlueCosmic EnergyWisdom

Lindsey was born in the UK, she has lived & created in Hong Kong for nearly 40 years. As the founder of the ‘Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation’, she has been a pioneer in the arts in Hong Kong for the past[...]

Lindsey was born in the UK, she has lived & created in Hong Kong for nearly 40 years. As the founder of the ‘Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation’, she has been a pioneer in the arts in Hong Kong for the past 30+ years, her work has focused primarily on the performing arts, writing, directing & producing.
In 1997 Lindsey was awarded an MBE on the Birthday Honours list for her work in the field of youth arts and in 2006 as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for her commitment & contribution to UK arts overseas.

She is a mixed media artist who works both digitally and on original mixed media works, her process is non-linear and intuitive, allowing ideas and aesthetics to emerge organically through playful exploration. One choice invites the next in a call and response of visual themes. She layers diverse materials such as acrylic paint, printed and decorative papers, pencil, charcoal & photographic transfers without predetermined goals. Chance and curiosity guide her hand as colours, textures and compositions emerge.

Lindsey Mcalister Obe Jpからもっと見る

その他の素材のアクリル | 18.1x18.1 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 20x16 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 15.8x19.9 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 32x24 in

