Sparrow - bird, plants, gold, abstract, animalistic (2023) 絵画 Leetruka によって

段ボールのアクリル, 7.9x5.1 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 Leetruka
お客様のレビュー (15)
発送元: ロシア (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) 2日内で発送 - 国の現在の状況により、追加の遅延が適用される場合があります
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  • モニタリング 購入者への引き渡しまでのご注文の追跡. 追跡番号が提供されるので、リアルタイムで荷物を追跡できます。
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Leetruka



最大解像度: 1708 x 2477 px

販売者 Leetruka

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, 段ボールの アクリル / オイル
  • 寸法 高さ 7.9in, 幅 5.1in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $500未満 抽象芸術
"Sparrow" Size 13*20 cm Acrylic and oil on gold cardboard July 2023 Sparrows are beautiful feathered creatures with cheerful and pleasant chirping. Their voices resemble trill and singing, creating a beautiful melody, especially in spring when they meet in nature and begin their singing. Their chirping can be[...]
Size 13*20 cm
Acrylic and oil on gold cardboard
July 2023

Sparrows are beautiful feathered creatures with cheerful and pleasant chirping. Their voices resemble trill and singing, creating a beautiful melody, especially in spring when they meet in nature and begin their singing. Their chirping can be very varied, from brief and quick sounds to melodic and melancholy singing. It is very pleasant to listen to their songs, they create an atmosphere of joy and peace. The chirping of sparrows can also serve as a signal to other birds about the presence of danger or to attract the attention of partners when looking for a mate. Sparrows are true singers, they delight us with their beautiful and melodious voice.

Taille 13*20 cm
Acrylique et huile sur carton doré
juillet 2023

Les moineaux sont de belles créatures à plumes au gazouillis joyeux et agréable. Leurs voix ressemblent à des trilles et à des chants, créant une belle mélodie, surtout au printemps, lorsqu'ils se rencontrent dans la nature et commencent à chanter. Leur gazouillis peut être très varié, allant de sons brefs et rapides à des chants mélodiques et mélancoliques. Il est très agréable d'écouter leurs chants, ils créent une atmosphère de joie et de paix. Le gazouillis des moineaux peut également servir à signaler à d'autres oiseaux la présence d'un danger ou à attirer l'attention de partenaires à la recherche d'une compagne ou d'un compagnon. Les moineaux sont de véritables chanteurs, ils nous enchantent avec leur belle voix mélodieuse.



My name is Natasha, but I work under the pseudonym LeeTruka. I'm a self-taught artist. I am from Perm, the cultural capital of the Urals. I love to draw, travel and take pictures. My relatives and friends[...]

My name is Natasha, but I work under the pseudonym LeeTruka. I'm a self-taught artist. I am from Perm, the cultural capital of the Urals. I love to draw, travel and take pictures. My relatives and friends consider me not from this world. I am engaged in drawing not so long ago but I dreamed about it all my life. For me it is the best way to capture thoughts, fantasies, dreams. I really want to develop my skills and techniques, and as a consequence, to realize myself in this field of activity. And so I am grateful for the opportunity to present myself.

I took part in the international competition Faber Castell & Karl Lagerfeld, where I was one of the 40 best artists selected by Karl Lagerfeld himself.

I also took part in the all-Russian competition Faber Castell, where I won a prize in the intermediate competition.

Exhibition-fair "Art Bazaar" at Tishinka, Moscow, September, 2021. 

In the exhibition "Arton Party" in St. Petersburg, in November 2021. 

Exhibition as part of the first permanent exhibition of Creative Space Arts & Fashion in BT 35 Business Center, Moscow, February, 2022.

Exhibition at W&P Gallery, Moscow, February, 2022.

Exhibition Art Expo Perm, Perm, March, 2022

Exhibition Start at the Contrast Gallery, Yekaterinburg, March 2022

Exhibition Eco at the Contrast Gallery, Yekaterinburg, April 2022

Auction at, September, 2022

Exhibition LOVE at the Nikolskaya Gallery and POP UP Museum, Moscow 2022, 2023

My works are presented in the informal gallery of St.Petersburg "Arton gallery", in the art space "Gallery-studio" 82 in Moscow and online gallery Arts and Fashion,

Participation in charity events and publications in the media Art Vesti, Art Moskovia, etc.

I try to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. Not long go I became fascinated by the topic of 'Recycling' and the concept of 'Zero Waste'. And so, for my work, I sometimes choose non-standard materials such as paper bags, recycled cardboard, newspapers, magazines and so on, etc.

Welcome to my page!


写真撮影 | 11.8x16.5 in
キャンバスのオイル | 7.9x11.8 in
段ボールのアクリル | 11.8x11.8 in
リネンキャンバスのアクリル | 19.7x15.8 in

