COTIS (2022) Escultura por Konrad Ziolkowski


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Vendido por Konrad Ziolkowski

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US$ 32,06
US$ 128,75
US$ 268,19
Resolução máxima: 4800 x 6000 px
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Vendido por Konrad Ziolkowski

  • Edição limitada (# 1/8) Escultura, Bronze / Pedra em Pedra
  • Dimensões Altura 64,6in, Largura 13,8in / 110.00 kg
  • Condição da obra de arte A arte está em perfeito estado
  • Apto para exterior? Não, Esta obra de arte não pode ser exibida ao ar livre
  • Categorias Esculturas menos de US$ 20.000 Expressionismo Retrato
COTIS smiles with this slight pity, out of politeness and his own culture he listens to these words, hints, life orders and signposts. He smiles again, looking this someone in the eye, he sees him start to get angry, annoyed, probably stomping his foot raising his voice. He sees that I am rather not listening. Today COTIS tells him: „Please don’t order[...]
COTIS smiles with this slight pity, out of politeness and his own culture he listens to these words, hints, life orders and signposts. He smiles again, looking this someone in the eye, he sees him start to get angry, annoyed, probably stomping his foot raising his voice. He sees that I am rather not listening. Today COTIS tells him: „Please don’t order me, don’t prompt me, don’t advise me anymore”. He is surprised that you speak to me…
Enough my friend, my good friend, my colleague, my partner, my unsurpassed father, mother, husband, wife, great figure in the colour media, hero falling asleep at a light on, brave man, don’t get in my head, enough…
The last time I was nice was from a request not mine. COTIS – I am conscious, after all I don’t have to do anything, I am finally saying „no”, „I don’t want to”…. I surprise myself that I listened to this, after all everyone says that I can’t and I don’t look like I can, that I’m the weak one who needs to be looked after, who doesn’t have an opinion of my own. Who controls me easily, plans mine!!! They keep hinting, whispering quietly their better ideas for the sake of me. Because I don’t know myself, according to them knowing better…. I’m surprised at all of them, it only seems to them that they speak to me with their eyes closed, ears covered, head turned away and see nothing. They can’t see that under his skin everything is burning and about to explode. But COTIS is smiling, waiting for you to finish your words… COTIS is adamant in his plans, his decisions, he fights, he does not impose himself on you, he goes forward quietly saying to himself that he is already close and he will make you aware of his rightness… He fights alone against all the more knowing surroundings. He is invincible in his reality, perhaps it is he who will guide and teach everyone. COTIS sensitive, inside beautiful, shines among others. Despite the attacks of the masses, he will always believe in his plan and will be surprised by others that they continue to know nothing, that they understand nothing, that their plan ends halfway through his plan and that they don’t know the end. I have noticed that the hardest thing to do is to say no to those closest to you, you mix then feeling with reason and your own opinion, conviction. I often have the impression that those who know us best don’t listen to us at all… they talk…. talk endlessly… they persuade by force. It’s hard sometimes to protest, to stand our ground, we worry about offending someone or making an unnecessary problem…. at the expense of your own plans.
You allow once, a second time and you’re gone, disappeared….
COTIS – positively, but slightly puzzled by the world carries out all his plans…

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Modern ArtModern SculptureContemporary ArtContemporary ArtistExpressionism

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Konrad Ziolkowski, um escultor contemporâneo e premiado da Polónia, é conhecido pelo seu domínio de vários meios artísticos. Além de sua proficiência em escultura contemporânea[...]

Konrad Ziolkowski, um escultor contemporâneo e premiado da Polónia, é conhecido pelo seu domínio de vários meios artísticos. Além de sua proficiência em escultura contemporânea e clássica, Konrad também explora multimídia, computação gráfica e animação em seus empreendimentos criativos. Inspirando-se nas experiências humanas, na metamorfose e na síntese, ele constrói composições que misturam cores, direções, sólidos e contrastes para capturar a essência das emoções e gestos humanos.

Nascido em 1981 na Polónia, Konrad Ziolkowski prosseguiu a sua formação artística na Academia de Belas Artes de Wroclaw, estudando sob a orientação do Professor Zbigniew Makarewicz no estúdio de escultura. Foi durante seu período na academia que Konrad aprimorou suas habilidades e desenvolveu sua visão artística única.

Ao longo da sua carreira, as obras de arte de Konrad Ziolkowski foram apresentadas em exposições na Polónia, nos Países Baixos e no Reino Unido. A sua abordagem inovadora à escultura e à arte multimédia foi aclamada, valendo-lhe vários prémios e reconhecimento pelas suas excelentes realizações na área.

As criações artísticas de Konrad ressoam nos espectadores, convidando-os a contemplar as complexidades da experiência e expressão humanas. Através de seu trabalho meticuloso e compreensão aguçada de forma e emoção, ele continua a cativar o público com suas obras de arte instigantes e visualmente deslumbrantes.

O Artista foi destaque em artigo na Revista Artmajeur:

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