Freedom of Beauty_20 (2021) Картина - Kishore Pratim Biswas

Акрил на Холст, 24x24 in
704 $
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Продавец Kishore Pratim Biswas
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Возврат принимается 14 дней Artmajeur на 100% стремится удовлетворить коллекционеров: у вас есть 14 дней, чтобы вернуть оригинальную работу. Работа должна быть возвращена художнику в идеальном состоянии, в оригинальной упаковке. Все подходящие предметы могут быть возвращены (если не указано иное).
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FREEDOM OF BEAUTY is a series on fantasy of woman. It's a combination of female beauty and butterfly. The woman is always beautiful and the butterfly too. I tried to capture the aesthetic beauty of female figures. I tried to express their emotions, attitude and expression. I follow their face, body language and the fantasy of the[...]
FREEDOM OF BEAUTY is a series on fantasy of woman. It's a combination of female beauty and butterfly. The woman is always beautiful and the butterfly too.

I tried to capture the aesthetic beauty of female figures. I tried to express their emotions, attitude and expression. I follow their face, body language and the fantasy of the figure. Which is the content of my paintings.

For me Beauty is the original, pure, natural, and unique. Beauty is always fresh and new.

And Freedom is always open and free to do whatever you want to do. My using of colour is always freedom there is no colour limit. Using of many vibrant colours the series looks different.

I studied the life painting when I was the student. I am preferring realistic approach in the painting. Creating illusion in the painting is my style.

Even though I have a long way to go, my paintings are slowly making their way into the homes of collectors of modern Indian art.

Связанные темы

Woman BeautyWoman PortraitFemale FigureButterfly PaintingBuy Indian Painting

Переведено автоматически
“For years, I woke up at midnight and started painting impromptu. I still find that very gratifying.” - Meet Kishore Pratim Biswas, India’s upcoming Indian contemporary artist. Kishore’s 15-year[...]

“For years, I woke up at midnight and started painting impromptu. I still find that very gratifying.” - Meet Kishore Pratim Biswas, India’s upcoming Indian contemporary artist.

Kishore’s 15-year journey in modern contemporary art movement has not only strengthened his unconventional thought process, but architected his painting style too.

Born in Kolkata, 42 year-old Kishore was passionate about art since childhood. After graduating in Fine Arts from Government College of Art & Craft, Kolkata, 1996. Kishore spent some struggling years in his hometown and then moved to Mumbai in 2009.

Today Kishore has his own studio in Mumbai. Kishore started by primarily painting in water colors. But his talent knew no bounds. Gradually, he switched to painting Acrylic on canvas. Today, he stands on a solid intellectual platform and his work reflects a unique streak, where color is of great importance, and form happens to be only incidental. He uses the texture in the canvas as well as experimental methods to add the finishing touch to his meticulous paintings. Kishore is also an expert in acrylic, oil, watercolor, mix media, charcoal, and soft pastels.

Kishore organized his solo exhibition in Kolkata in 1996. In 1997, he displayed his work of art at several group shows around the country. Even though Kishore has a long way to go, his paintings are slowly making their way into the homes of collectors of modern Indian art.

Education: Bachelor of Fine Art in Painting from Government College of Art & Craft, Kolkata in 1997

Solo Show:
“The Green”, Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata in 1996
“Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives”, Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai in 2014
“Indian Locomotives out of Museum”, Lalat Kala Akademy, Delhi in 2015
"Nostalgia" Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai in 2018
“Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives”, National Rail Museum, Delhi in 2018
“Nostalgia”, Heritage Transport Museum, Delhi in 2018
“Celebration of Indian Steam Locomotives” Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai in 2023

Group Show:
Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata in1995
“Summer meet” Gallrey 88, Kolkata in 2002
Art Flute, Bangalore in 2009
JS Art Gallery, Mumbai in 2013
“Curenta group show” by JS Art Gallery, Dubai, 2015
JS Art Gallery, Mumbai, 2015
“Three Dimension” Chitrakala Parishath, Bangalore, 2015
“Curenta group show” by Art Karna , Dubai, 2015
“Art Beyond Borders” by Art Mudra, Dubai, 2016
"Colour of Spring" by Cymroza Art Gallery, Mumbai, 2016
"The Art Conclave" by ICAC, Mumbai, 2016
"Lands within" by The Egg Art Studio, Delhi, 2016
"indian Art Festival" by The Lexicon Art, Delhi, 2016
“Summer Art” by ICAS - Vilas Fine Art, London, 2016
“Art & Abode” by Stanley Boutique and Art Vault, Delhi 2017
“Summer Art” by ICAS - Vilas Fine Art, London, 2018
"Frame 75" on Amitabh Bachchan by Pradip Chandra, Mumbai, 2018
“Thrang” by Painted Rhythm Art Gallery, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai, 2022
“Ficci Flo” by Banyan Art Gallery, Hyatt Regency, Ludhiana, 2022
“Palash” Academy of Fine Arts by CARDS, Kolkata, 2022

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Акрил на Холст | 44x38 in
1 604 $
Акрил на Холст | 38x36 in
1 784 $
Акрил на Холст | 24x24 in
704 $
Акрил на Холст | 36x60 in
2 254 $


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