Central Park (2022) 製版 Kirstie Dedman によって

紙の製版, 8.7x15.9 in
プライス: 送料無料
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  • 限定版 (#1/10) 製版, 紙の Linocuts
  • 寸法 高さ 8.7in, 幅 15.9in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 版画 $500未満 表現主義 都市
It's October, the leaves have just started to change colour, as Autumn or Fall arrive. You are wondering around dinosaur bones in the Met, you glance out the window in the corner and that's the view. You can only be in one city in the world and its beautiful. I love New York! Here is my celebration of the ever changing Manhattan[...]
It's October, the leaves have just started to change colour, as Autumn or Fall arrive. You are wondering around dinosaur bones in the Met, you glance out the window in the corner and that's the view. You can only be in one city in the world and its beautiful.

I love New York! Here is my celebration of the ever changing Manhattan skyline, and the colourful trees of Central Park.

A reduction linocut is a totally hand made print. No machines are used. Only one piece of Lino is used throughout the process and so no prints can be reproduced.

I draw the image I want to create on the Lino, in reverse. Using carving tools I take away all the lightest parts which will be the colour of the the paper, I then ink up the Lino with a colour and press this onto some thick printing paper. Anything I want to be that colour I carve away and ink up the next colour and so the process goes until the image appears.

This print went through this process 20 times, to achieve the final image. I used oil based Calico artist inks and the paper is Somerset satin in white.

The printed area is approximately 40.5cm x 27.2 and the paper size is approximately 47cm x 28.4cm.

Please note, outside the U.K. and USA local customs/duty charges may be incurred. These are the responsibility of the customer and outside my control.


Central ParkFall Central ParkAutumn Central ParkCity ScapeNew York

Kirstie is an Artist and Printmaker, who specialises in reduction Linocuts. The starting point is usually a photograph, which is then drawn onto Lino in reverse and carved away to become a print. Everything[...]

Kirstie is an Artist and Printmaker, who specialises in reduction Linocuts. The starting point is usually a photograph, which is then drawn onto Lino in reverse and carved away to become a print. Everything is done by hand, in a traditional way, no machines are used.

Reduction Linocut printing is a process which uses one piece of Lino which is printed and cut away many times with many different coloured inks to produce an image.

Linocut Prints were made popular by the Grosvenor Art School and used by Matisse and Picasso. Picasso named the process the 'suicide print', because there's no going back. If you make a mistake the whole edition fails.

Kirstie is currently exploring colour, shadow, light and shade in her works. Pushing the printing process as much as she can creating prints with a great many layers and colours. The subject matters can vary, but whether it's a graphic sign, landscape, or a vase of flowers, the focus is on interesting colour combinations and the light and shadows within the scene.

Kirstie Dedmanからもっと見る

紙の製版 | 15.9x12 in
紙の製版 | 11.8x7.9 in
紙の製版 | 16.5x23.2 in
紙の製版 | 8x12 in

