Harvest of hem (2008) Картина - Valeriy Kharchenko


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Продавец Valeriy Kharchenko

  • Подлинное произведение искусства Картина, Масло
  • Размеры Высота 47,2in, Ширина 65in
  • Категории Изобразительное искусство
China. Traditional production of fabrics from ramie. По поводу данного произведения: Классификация, методы & Стили Масло Краска, состоящая из пигментов, связанных[...]
China. Traditional production of fabrics from ramie.

Связанные темы


Victoria Vladimirovna Khartchenko (ne'e Kurushkina) Born in 1978 in Mednogorsk, the south of Ural. In 1994 finished the Art school in Kaluga. Recieved the grant as one of the best[...]

Victoria Vladimirovna Khartchenko (ne'e Kurushkina)

Born in 1978 in Mednogorsk, the south of Ural.

In 1994 finished the Art school in Kaluga. Recieved the grant as one of the best pupils. In 1997 in the Kaluga received the diploma of the artist - teacher in the Kaluga College of Culture.

From 1999 till 2005 had been studying in the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (Repin institute) at the faculty of painting in the class of professor O.A.Eremeev.

Her teachers were O.A.Eremeev, J.V.Kaljuta, V.I.Stetsenko, I.M.Kravtsov, N.V.Tsitsin, V.L.Borovik, A.N.Bliok.

In 2002 got the first place at « the Best painting of the year » competition.

In 2003 was receiving the nominal grant for her excellent studying success.

Victoria's graduating work «Samson and Dalila», had a wide resonance in St. Petersburg’s artists circles.

Took part in exhibitions:

2000. A student's exhibition - «The Taneevskiy Hall», Kaluga

2000. An exhibition of young artists, gallery - «Na Bastionnoy», Pskov

2000. A student's exhibition - Palace of culture, Pushkinskie gory

2001. A student's exhibition – Summer affiliate of the Academy of Arts. Alupka

2002 «The Exhibition of Teachers and Students of the Academy of Arts» - Shanghai.

2003 - 2005 « The Mobile Exhibition of Russian Artists in China » - Peking, Shanghai etc.

2004. The prize-winner of competition «The Summer Etude», dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Russian museum, St. Petersburg.

2004 Art index «Art of St. Petersburg» - the Russian ethnographic museum, Saint Petersburg.

2005 « Charm of Daily Occurrence» - I. I. Brodskiy's museum - apartment, Saint Petersburg.

2005 «A Small Picture» -"Image" hall, Kaluga.

Since 2003 Victoria has been a constant participant of exhibitions «Spring», «Autumn» in the St.-Petersburg union of artists, and of young artists exhibitions, within the framework of the international festival of arts «From Avant-garde Up to Now».

Her works are used as methodical samples in academies of fine Arts of London and Barcelona.

Her works are in galleries and private collections of Russia, China, Spain, the USA, Canada, Denmark, Korea, Poland, France.

The leading theme of her work is relation between Nature and Man.

Victoria's sincere and profoundly substantial works continue the best traditions of Russian classical art.

Смотреть ещё Valeriy Kharchenko

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Масло | 48,8x27,6 in
6 024 $
Масло | 15,8x21,7 in
414 $
Масло | 15,8x19,7 in
534 $
Картина | 35,4x48,4 in
7 184 $


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