Concrete Love (2020) 印花与版画 由 Karlos Marquez


Karlos Marquez 出售

关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 技术 印花与版画 版画最初是用来交流的。卓越的技术特性使其成为一种宝贵的艺术媒介。艺术家在平面上创建图像以进行打印。为了创建原始印刷品,艺术家在表面上上墨并将其压在纸上。版画是将艺术品印刷在纸上的过程,但也可以在织物、木材、金属和其他表面上印刷。[...]



Karlos “BUMPS” Marquez Carlos Ramon Marquez was raised in the Pico-Union Area, in Los Angeles, California. Karlos has been contributing to the local Los Angeles art scene since 1984. He created[...]

Karlos “BUMPS” Marquez

Carlos Ramon Marquez was raised in the Pico-Union Area, in Los Angeles, California. Karlos has been contributing to the local Los Angeles art scene since 1984. He created his first Graffiti Art pieces with friends under the name “Kartoon”. In 1985, he joined K2S (Kill 2 Succeed) graffiti crew as one of the original members. Since1985 he continued to develop his style by studying art at Los Angeles City College and Associates of Art in Sherman Oaks. His focus and interests were life and full figure drawing by Mark Westermoe.

Due to his keen eye for detail and his polished technique he's collaborated with Cisco Home for the past 8 years, his art has evolved and encompasses a broad range of mixed media pieces including large canvas works and textiles, furniture, and metal pieces for CISCO Home. These pieces are currently on display at CISCO Home stores in Santa Monica, Costa Mesa, Melrose, Pasadena, San Francisco, and New York. 

Karlos believes in giving back to the community that has helped him develop as an artist and contributes to projects with Local Shools, Tempt One ALS foundation, Refoundry Project, the META Foundation, and The Ron Finley Project.

查看更多的Karlos Marquez

印花与版画在纸上 | 29x35 in
印花与版画在纸上 | 35x29 in
喷漆在木上 | 36x48 in
喷漆在木上 | 48x36 in

