Malu Red Kangaroo (2008) 絵画 Justin Ronberg によって

絵画, 20.1x24 in
プライス: 送料無料
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク 絵画,
  • 寸法 高さ 20.1in, 幅 24in
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $1,000未満 部族芸術
この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル 技術 絵画 絵画は、色のついた液体を美的に適用することにより、表面に絵画を描く芸術形式です。画家は、紙、岩、帆布、木、樹皮、ガラス、コンクリート、その他多くの下地などのサポートで非常に個人的な表現を表現します。[...]
Name: Justin Romberg Japurrula Aboriginal name: Iggy From Aboriginal Stolen Generation Mother & Lots Of Families From The Bush Place of Birth: Mbantua (Alice Springs) south west

Name: Justin Romberg Japurrula
Aboriginal name: Iggy
From Aboriginal Stolen Generation Mother & Lots Of Families From The Bush

Place of Birth: Mbantua (Alice Springs) south west
Creations: Paintings, Didjeridu, Boomerang, painted Surf boards and carry bags.
Mediums: Acrylic, Ochre
Themes:Dreamings Dance Seasonal Movement Jukurpa Earth images, Landscapes, hunting and gathering stories.
Totem: Malu (Red Kangaroo), kaliya Emu Dreamings From The Coast Of South Australia & Western Australia

Inspired From The Homelands  & My Journeys Around Aboriginal Australia Dreaming on a Larger Scale.

Aboriginal Artist
Justin Ronberg spent his youth in the Northern Territory and the central Desert regions where he was encourage by his family to pursue his Artistic talents.
From an early age Justin has been inspired by the mind-blowing sounds of the didjeridu.

Justin’s Australian landscape and earth images paint a strong sense connection with the Australian outback (bush) showing the on going rhythm of nature which express dance movement in his country homeland. His creations are earthy, vibrant and full of life. Creating a sense of good feeling.

The sounds and visions of the Australian Aboriginal landscape are expressed through his unique style of painting. This creative expression reflects, his ongoing Artistic journey to promote his cultural heritage.

Principles of art and craft were given to him & self taught to enable Justin to follow his Artistic Path. Justin is and internationally recognised and collected Aboriginal artist, who is also a fantastic didjeridu performer and teacher Flute player

Art awards and Exhibitions
Justin participates in cultural events and festival within Australia and overseas. His works have been represented internationally in Europe and U.S.A. at Selected Art Museums and Galleries.
Tandanya Culture Centre Adelaide- My work is available Maruku Arts Uluru Yulara GOCA Mulgara Gallery Alice Springs Katherine Darwin Western Australia Opal City South Australia.
Played Didjeridu, percussion for Legendary Australian Bands:
Coloured Stone
Desert Sea Band
Rhythm Stick
Recorded Didge on various Australian Artist CD.

Website: Justin Ronberg Artist
Email: superart33 gmail com
Mobile contact:0475227396

Justin Ronbergからもっと見る

アートクラフト | 3.5x59.8 in
絵画 | 18.1x22.8 in
絵画 | 20.1x24 in

