Torn (2023) 絵画 Julie Bevan によって

キャンバスのアクリル, 39.4x39.4 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 Julie Bevan
お客様のレビュー (1)
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Julie Bevan



最大解像度: 6436 x 6458 px

販売者 Julie Bevan

Experience the raw and emotional journey of the artist's life in a captivating visual narrative that unfolds before your eyes. "Torn" is a remarkable painting that delves deep into the origins of the artist's inspiration, exploring the complex interplay of emotions and experiences that have shaped her world. With each[...]
Experience the raw and emotional journey of the artist's life in a captivating visual narrative that unfolds before your eyes. "Torn" is a remarkable painting that delves deep into the origins of the artist's inspiration, exploring the complex interplay of emotions and experiences that have shaped her world.

With each skillful brushstroke the artist captures the essence of a life in flux, a life marked by fractures and moments of profound transformation. The canvas is a window into the soul, a reflection of a journey that led to this powerful creation.

The juxtaposition of light and shadow, vivid colors and muted tones, creates a rich tapestry of emotions. "Torn" invites you to contemplate the beauty that can emerge from life's most challenging moments, reminding us that even in the midst of turmoil, there is a profound source of inspiration waiting to be discovered.

This painting is not merely a work of art; it is an invitation to explore your own emotions, to reflect on your own journey, and to find the beauty in life's fractures. "Torn" is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of art to heal and inspire.

Embrace the journey, embrace the inspiration, and let "Torn" be a part of your life. Get lost in its intricate details, immerse yourself in its emotional depth, and allow it to remind you that even when life tears us apart, we have the power to create something beautiful from the pieces.

Make it a cherished addition to your art collection, a centerpiece of your space, and a symbol of inspiration that resonates with your own life's journey.

Measuring 1000mm x 1000mm x 20mm on stretched canvas.

Signed, unframed & ready to hang.

International Shipping Included.


Red Pink Acrylic CanvasAbstract Canvas ArtRuby Red Gold Large CanvasRed Acrylic Gold Ink CanvasHighly Textured Red Pink

Julie Bevan, originally hailing from Dublin, Ireland, has found her artistic calling as she splits her time between the heavenly Spanish coastline and her home country. With a strong background in design, including[...]

Julie Bevan, originally hailing from Dublin, Ireland, has found her artistic calling as she splits her time between the heavenly Spanish coastline and her home country. With a strong background in design, including her own successful jewellery design company, Julie has now turned her creative focus towards producing captivating artworks. Let's delve deeper into her artistic journey and unique style.

The coastline and sea have been significant sources of inspiration for Julie. The endless movement and constant change of the ocean have influenced many of her art pieces, resulting in a maritime influence and a sea-inspired color palette. Through her art, Julie brings the tranquility and energy of the sea onto the canvas, creating captivating visual experiences.

Texture and the creation of depth are integral to her artistic process. She continuously experiments with various materials and mediums to achieve the desired layers and textures in her works. This experimentation allows her to bring a multi-dimensional aspect to her art, drawing viewers in and encouraging them to explore the intricate details.

Having established herself as a successful jewellery designer, Julie made the leap to pursue her dream of creating artworks full-time. This transition has been a long-desired aspiration for the artist, and she has now seen it come to fruition. The combination of her design background and passion for art has resulted in a unique perspective and approach to her work.

Julie Bevanからもっと見る

キャンバスのアクリル | 23.6x35.4 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 19.7x27.6 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 19.7x27.6 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 23.6x35.4 in

