“Yo, o El” (2021) 绘画 由 Jose Luis Santamaria Campos


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Jose Luis Santamaria Campos 出售

(First of all I must tell you that I am a lifelong defender who inhabits the earth of this wonderful planet) Now, I am going to talk to you about the work... If you look closely, you will see that the bull does't carry any flag on his loin, you will also appreciate that there is no public in the stands to celebrate anything, and you can see that[...]
(First of all I must tell you that I am a lifelong defender who inhabits the earth of this wonderful planet) Now, I am going to talk to you about the work... If you look closely, you will see that the bull does't carry any flag on his loin, you will also appreciate that there is no public in the stands to celebrate anything, and you can see that the bullfighter does't have a sword in his hand to kill, he only has his cape. In others words, I have tried to represent what is never seen in a bullfight. A bull and a bullfighter, hands to hands, in a duel. No flags, no public, no sword, etc. In this hypothetical case, I almost emphasize the advantage of the bull over the bullfighter who awaits him on his knees as if he is imploring forgiveness from a 700 kg bull, that he comes ready for everything. It is just that, an interpretation in art that if we look closely we will find the motives that the artist wanted to capture in his work.

(Ante todo debo decirte que soy defensor de toda la vida que habita sobre la tierra de este maravilloso planeta) Ahora vamos a la obra... Si observas detenidamente, verás que el toro no lleva ninguna banderilla en el lomo, también podrás aprecias que no hay público en las gradas para festejar nada, y también podrás ver que el torero no posee en su mano ninguna espada de matar, si no solo su capote.. Es decir he tratado de representar lo que nunca se ve en una corrida de toros. Un toro y un torero mano a mano en un duelo. Sin banderillas, sin público, sin espada, etc. Realzo, en este caso hipotético, casi la ventaja del toro sobre el torero que lo espera arrodillado como implorando perdón a un toro de 700 kg. que viene dispuesto a todo. Es solo eso, una interpretación en el arte que si nos fijamos bien encontraremos los motivos que el artista quiso plasmar en su obra.



何塞·路易斯·圣玛丽亚·坎波斯是一位当代西班牙画家。毕业于阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯泛美艺术学院后,他经历了一段时期,多年来他必须在自己的艺术抱负与同时在多家广告公司从事创意方向的职业之间取得平衡。 在他的艺术之旅中,他抓住机会在不同的环境中展示自己的创作,参加了阿根廷、秘鲁和祖国西班牙等国家的个展和群展。他的展览历史上的一个显着亮点是[...]


在他的艺术之旅中,他抓住机会在不同的环境中展示自己的创作,参加了阿根廷、秘鲁和祖国西班牙等国家的个展和群展。他的展览历史上的一个显着亮点是 2003 年在西班牙塞维利亚举办的当代艺术博览会。

如今,圣玛丽亚收藏了 60 多件获得国际赞誉的作品,这些作品采用了多种技术,尤其以油画和水彩画为主。他的艺术风格倾向于印象派,但他也探索本土主义主题,偶尔与抽象艺术领域相交叉。描述自己对艺术家来说是一个挑战,因为他更喜欢观众对他的作品形成自己的结论。对于桑塔玛丽亚来说,艺术是将他的灵魂带到画布上的一种手段,他在画布上玩弄色彩,为创作注入生命,而创作本质上成为艺术家本人的反映。

查看更多的Jose Luis Santamaria Campos

丙烯在帆布上 | 11.8x15.8 in
丙烯在纸板上 | 16.1x13 in
油在帆布上 | 13x18.1 in
油在帆布上 | 31.5x31.5 in

