Outside the Forest (2023) 描画 Jake Sheykhet によって

紙の鉛筆, 12x9 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 ArtRewards
発送元: ノルウェー (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) 1週間内で発送
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 描画, 紙の 鉛筆 / インク /
  • 寸法 高さ 12in, 幅 9in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 図面 $1,000未満 造形美術 ポートレイト
Between inside and out. Sitting on the edge of a wet wood. この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル インク 紙やその他の印刷可能な素材に印を付けるために使用される、濃い色の液体またはペースト。設計は、スラブ、フェザー、ブラシ、またはストレートナーを使用して手動で行われます。
Between inside and out. Sitting on the edge of a wet wood.
Hailing from the bustling city of Denver, Colorado, Jake Sheykhet is a talented artist who has been deeply influenced by the cultural heritage of his Soviet Jewish immigrant parents. From a young age, he displayed[...]

Hailing from the bustling city of Denver, Colorado, Jake Sheykhet is a talented artist who has been deeply influenced by the cultural heritage of his Soviet Jewish immigrant parents. From a young age, he displayed a natural affinity for the arts, particularly drawing, and was encouraged by his parents to pursue his passion. Under the tutelage of Soviet art instructors, Jake received formal training that would shape his artistic style and inform his creative process for years to come. Despite this instruction, Jake considers himself primarily self-taught, as his early experiences and personal exploration have been integral to his development as an artist.

Jake's art is deeply influenced by his Soviet and Jewish heritage, which has significantly impacted his creative expression. He draws inspiration from the renowned Soviet film director, Tarkovsky, whose techniques and storytelling style he incorporates into his own works. This influence is noticeable in his use of symbolism and imagery, which reflect the deeper significance of the Jewish tradition.


One of the most prominent elements of Jake's art is the use of gold, which creates a shimmering effect reminiscent of Eastern Orthodox icons. This technique is inspired by his Jewish roots, where gold is often used to convey spiritual significance. In fact, his creative process is infused with the Kabbalah, a collection of Jewish mystical writings that imbue his craft with a spiritual dimension.

Jake's approach to his craft is intuitive and associative, allowing him to explore concepts and ideas dynamically. He utilizes his cultural background as a constant source of inspiration, incorporating his Soviet and Jewish heritage into every piece he creates. Through his works, Jake pays homage to the rich cultural heritage that has influenced his artistic vision and expression, showcasing the beauty and complexity of his cultural identity.


Jake has a deep appreciation for the arts, and he draws inspiration for his own creative endeavors from a variety of sources. His passion for poetry and art history has enriched his artistic reservoir, and he often finds himself inspired by the verses of his favorite poets, such as Rumi, Edith Sodergran, and Joseph Brodsky. These poets have illuminated his artistic path, providing him with the initial spark of an artwork that he can then develop and refine.

Jake Sheykhetからもっと見る

ウッドのオイル | 28.4x24 in
紙のパステル | 12x9 in
キャンバスのオイル | 14x11 in
紙の水彩画 | 12x9 in

