French Cushions (2007) Pittura da Zo

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33,31 USD
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  525 px  

650 px
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  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Olio
  • Dimensioni Altezza 20in, Larghezza 16in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 5.000 USD Figurativo
"Previously surrounded by the sea, St. Paul now rises above the valley on a promontory, giving the appearance of a ship. During the first days of spring, it is a veritable explosion of magnificent colors and heavenly fragrances. In true harmony, the magnolias, lilacs and lavender along with the mimosas, lemon and mandarin trees, erupt together[...]
"Previously surrounded by the sea, St. Paul now rises above the valley on a promontory, giving the appearance of a ship. During the first days of spring, it is a veritable explosion of magnificent colors and heavenly fragrances. In true harmony, the magnolias, lilacs and lavender along with the mimosas, lemon and mandarin trees, erupt together into wild color and scents against the ancient gray stones. On a clear day, from this picturesque balcony one can look out across the vast green valley of Malvan.

St. Paul de Vence is first and foremost a city of the arts. A land of artists of all types, from the troubadours to the minstrels, including famous stars such as Yves Montand. During the middle ages, the city was known for its numerous artisans, including weavers and stone and wood cutters. This cultural inheritance is still alive and well in St. Paul de Vence, and the city has developed a certain style of art over the course of time. In the 1920s, numerous artists were drawn to the area because of its special light, and its historic past. In such they participated in its renaissance. Jean Giono, Bernard Shaw, Matisse, Renoir, Dufy, Mancini, the writer and poet Jacques Prévert -- all spent some time in St. Paul -- and the painter, Marc Chagall, was even buried here. At the end of the last century, it was the vacation spot for many French actors - an escape from the glamour and glitter of the Cannes boardwalk. All types of arts are still present here, as represented by the countless galleries that crisscross the ancient alleyways of the village. An enclave for the people in the arts and entertainment, St. Paul rises on its rocky mount, an emblem of the arts for all of Provence.

St. Paul de Vence has the look of a labyrinth; a virtual maze of little paths and galleries, where more than 7000 visitors per day meander. Attracted by a beautiful vista, a garden or the facade of an art gallery, you can easily take one small street, then another, and before you know it, find yourself at the plaza you started from! Your mind often seems to be playing tricks on you. It is difficult to leave the magical village of St. Paul, as the harmonious feel of this small village almost puts you in a trance. If St. Paul de Vence is close to the skies, it is for many, a little heaven on earth...

(About St.Paul de Vence, France by Eddy Jean Joachim Eurasie)

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