"Rain" (2018) Pittura da Yuri Skrinnikov

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Venditore Yuri Skrinnikov

Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 2 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Acquarello su Carta
  • Dimensioni Altezza 18,9in, Larghezza 24,8in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 500 USD Astratta
Liquid watercolored "Tallins" on the wet paper. Canson 200 gr. Exspression. A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Acquarello [...]
Liquid watercolored "Tallins" on the wet paper. Canson 200 gr.

Temi correlati

SkrinnikovWatercolor AbstractClouds

Tradotto automaticamente
Born 1960 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Born 1960 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Comes from the famous artists’ family. In 1985 graduated from Tbilisi State Academy of Arts.

Selected exhibitions: “Aquarell –  86”, Tbilisi (1986),                                            

presentation of Young Painters Club “Pirosmani”, Tbilisi (1987), “Aquarell - 88”, Tbilisi, Moscow (1988), “Art Mith 91”, Moscow (1991), “Fine Art 93”, Moscow (1993), “Russian Painters in Georgia” (dedicated to 850 year anniversary of Moscow), Tbilisi (1997), “Everything for Georgia and Georgia for everyone”, Tbilisi (1999,2000,2001), “Polish Painters in Georgia”, Tbilisi (2001),  “Actual Dreams”, Tbilisi (2002), “Points of View”, London (2004), the exhibition of modern artists (2013) in Georgian National Museum, exhibition dedicated to 80 anniversary of Georgian International Creative Union of Artists (2011-2017). “Watercolor in Georgia” 2015, “Harmony Through watercolor” and Master class in New Delhi. “Water and Spirit” Varna 2016.”Light Watercolor” Torres, Portugal 2017. Studio “Maestro” Master class, Moscow 2017. Smirnoff house in Moscow, Master class, 2018.

 From 2003 organizes young artists exhibitions. His pictures are in Georgian Museum funds, in private collections of Baroness Elizabeth Smith, ex-president of Poland A. Kwasnewski and in many countries all over the world. He is a permanent participant of different exhibitions. Information about Yuri is in catalogue “Art in Georgia” (1987), “Who is Who” (2000), “Russian painters in Georgia XX century” (2007). Since 2015 represents Georgian branch of International Watercolor society – IWS Georgia.


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