Mystery Scenes (2018) Pittura da Wasantha Ranjan

Acrilico su Tela, 48x36 in
1.086 USD
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Venditore Aartzy
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Resi gratuiti: Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni.
Ritorni accettati 14 giorni Artmajeur si impegna al 100% per la soddisfazione dei collezionisti: hai 14 giorni per restituire un'opera originale. L'opera deve essere restituita all'artista in perfette condizioni, nella sua confezione originale. Tutti gli articoli idonei possono essere restituiti (se non diversamente indicato).
Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Pittura, Acrilico su Tela
  • Dimensioni Altezza 48in, Larghezza 36in
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 5.000 USD Astratta
A stunning work of art for any home which will light up with a huge wow factor. This is a one of a kind painting. Beautiful color coordination is the main feature of this wonderful painting. Strong browns, tones of golden yellow and black contrast with the turquoise blue which coordinates well with red drippings to add more drama to the creation.
A stunning work of art for any home which will light up with a huge wow factor. This is a one of a kind painting. Beautiful color coordination is the main feature of this wonderful painting. Strong browns, tones of golden yellow and black contrast with the turquoise blue which coordinates well with red drippings to add more drama to the creation.

The acid greenish yellow gives this painting an edge that fits the title. The beauty of art is the way it evokes emotion and power towards others. They can bring forth overwhelming emotions all over the world. Art is inspiring, and the artist’s drive is to inspire, provoke and promise. Ideal for interior decorating in any size or position in a home or office.

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Artista rappresentato da Aartzy
Wasantha Ranjan combines Sri Lankan life and phenomena to produce a unique style that is faithful to his roots. This style is executed with such beauty that radiates a profound feeling among all Sri Lankans.[...]

Wasantha Ranjan combines Sri Lankan life and phenomena to produce a unique style that is faithful to his roots. This style is executed with such beauty that radiates a profound feeling among all Sri Lankans. Wasantha’s paintings are drenched with the richness and picturesque images of local beauty and its culture.

The artist represents Sri Lanka through a large kaleidoscope that appreciates the vibrant beauty of the sunny island. Through his paintings he has developed a close kinship with natural phenomena, and visualizes it beautifully and expressively.

Working with acrylics, oil paints, pastels, pencils and photography, Wasantha employs a very limited color palette with a variety of colors that compliment and brighten his paintings to capture the essence of his world. He adds vibrancy to mundane Sri Lankan phenomena and enhances them with his sharp eye for manipulating proportion and scale, and abstracting it.

Wasantha’s paintings began as a hobby when he was a child, and throughout the years he has perfected his skills with the knowledge and learning experiences as a professional artist. The meticulousness of his paintings adds a sense of reality to such divine phenomena to connotate nature’s vibrancy and timelessness.

To Wasantha, art is all about creating new experiences. He firmly believes that it is a subject interpreted in various ways. The fluidity of the brush-strokes in his landscape paintings and portraits, leave an emotional impression that is truly heartwarming.

His inner impulses are splashed across the canvas in an improvisatory manner, while simple compositions with large areas of color intend to produce a contemplative and a meditational response in the viewer.

Wasantha Ranjan is a self-taught and explorative artist who gathers inspiration from exploring a variety of artists, styles and techniques. His artistic approach intertwines utopic expectations and reality through his unnerving juxtapositions. Inspired by the great Sri Lankan artist Jayasiri Semage he has trained his imagination to also root for an abstract aspect of everyday life and people.

He also says that George Keyt’s cubistic approach and rich colors have encouraged the stylization and distortion of real-life phenomena into geometric forms in his abstract paintings. Some of Wasantha’s paintings do not copy nature precisely, but is modelled through abstract techniques of perspective, space and contrasting vantage points.

Although a painter who has learnt the anatomy of objects, he breaks the rules to dissect form into a multitude of small facets in some of his paintings. His love for typically Sri Lankan phenomena reflects a sense of patriarchy and a love for nature. His paintings are truly artistically revolutionary!

Vedere più a proposito di Wasantha Ranjan

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