raggio-arancio-120x70.jpg Pittura da Daniela Vignati


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Venditore Daniela Vignati

  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura,
  • Dimensioni Altezza 47,2in, Larghezza 27,6in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 5.000 USD
olio su tela 2015 A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Tecnico Pittura La pittura è una forma[...]
olio su tela 2015
.Daniela Vignati has been painting for over thirty years, after a first artistic experience dedicated to metalworking and jewelry making. Her consolidated activity as a painter[...]

.Daniela Vignati has been painting for over thirty years, after a first artistic experience

dedicated to metalworking and jewelry making. Her consolidated activity as a painter has recently been enriched by new and curious research in the field of video art. Her path has developed in a coherent manner with progressive steps that have led her to the current results of her work. Signs, symbols and images are always associated with a fundamental coloristic base with an informal imprint - almost musical background of her work - that refer to a magical / fairy-tale world in which her personal vision of her life is reflected. For Daniela Vignati, the beginning of a work is always a journey without a pre-established destination that is resolved in the process itself, achieving results that shy away from merely decorative solutions. Since 2010 she participated in all the initiatives of the ArtMoleto group and have exhibited in numerous other group and personal exhibitions in Italy, especially in Monferrato, where you live, and abroa

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Acrilico su Tela | 33,5x54,3 in
3.358,65 USD
Acquarello su Carta | 5,5x7,5 in
626,19 USD
Acquarello su Carta | 5,5x7,5 in
626,19 USD
Acrilico su Tela | 47,2x59,1 in
3.017,09 USD


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