the sorcerer (2012) Pittura da Cesar Aguilar (Raçe)

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Venditore Cesar Aguilar (Raçe)

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33,38 USD
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  960 px  

1220 px
Dimensioni del file (px) 960x1220
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Banca d'immagine d'arte
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Acrilico su Tela
  • Dimensioni Altezza 35,4in, Larghezza 27,6in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 5.000 USD
Works for the epic novel ARIANROD, in it the world of Pangea changes, series of illustrations for the Book Vous traitez directement avec l'auteur, sans intermédiaires ni commissions, j'ai créé toute ma vie, j'ai des expositions dans plusieurs musées et des centaines d'expositions d'Allemagne, des Pays-Bas, d'Espagne,[...]
Works for the epic novel ARIANROD, in it the world of Pangea changes, series of illustrations for the Book

Vous traitez directement avec l'auteur, sans intermédiaires ni commissions, j'ai créé toute ma vie, j'ai des expositions dans plusieurs musées et des centaines d'expositions d'Allemagne, des Pays-Bas, d'Espagne, d'Italie ... c'est ma vie

Je cherche un marchand d'art sérieux, si vous êtes cette personne contactez-moi.
Les prix sont négociables

Toutes mes œuvres sont scellées et confirmées avec le cachet de l'auteur, toutes mes œuvres sont dûment enregistrées. J'ai créé et travaillé dans plusieurs musées pendant plus de trois décennies.
Si vous souhaitez acheter une de mes œuvres, contactez-moi ou utilisez le service de paiement artmajeur, toujours par virement bancaire.
Je facture tout mon travail, les taxes sont déjà incluses dans le prix que vous voyez.
Je suis toujours prêt à conclure un accord, à payer le travail en plusieurs versements, un rabais si vous en achetez plusieurs, peut-être un accord, bien sûr, de la légalité.
La peinture est ma passion mon mode de vie, dans chaque toile je donne une part de mon âme, de mes illusions et de mes rêves.

Merci pour l'écoute Raçe

About the work: a new beginning, a reflection. a visual poem

You are dealing with the author directly, without intermediaries or commissions, I've been creating my whole life, I have exhibitions in several museums and hundreds of exhibitions from Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy ... it's my life

I am looking for serious art dealer, if you are this person contact me.
The prices are negotiable

All my works are sealed and confirmed with author stamp, all my works are duly registered. I have been creating and working in several museums for more than three decades.
If you want to buy one of my works please contact me or use the artmajeur payment service. Always payments by bank transfer.

I invoice all my work, taxes are already included in the price you see.

I am always willing to reach an agreement, pay the work in installments, a discount if you buy several, perhaps a deal, from the legality, of course.
The painting is my passion my way of life, in each canvas I give a part of my soul, of my illusions and of my dreams.
Thanks for listening Raçe

Temi correlati

Cesar Aguilar GazquezRaçeArt UndergroundArtArianrod

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Avelina Lésper Art Critic May 2010 Cesar Aguilar has created a special world that give shapes in his paintings to show to the viewer the mythology that governs it. It is not[...]

Avelina Lésper Art Critic
May 2010

Cesar Aguilar has created a special world that give shapes in his paintings to show to the viewer the mythology that governs it. It is not something alien to us, It involves references ranging from oriental manga, the sadism of the sexuality of postwar, to minotaurs and angels. This gathering of beings is developed in his paintings with a stroke that develops playful and sensual, creating atmospheres where converge the style of the manga with red and earth tones, copper and sienna tones on white background to build the altar of a bull. In the pictorial search for Cesar is the concern for current forms of expression, with its strong presence in the media and popular reference, and Cesar works on them to give them another reality, he remakes them to acquire a painting in another dimension that in the media would not have, and he leads them to more daring and violent possibilities.

Sacrifice is a ritual of substitution, whatever is destroyed gives way to something new arrives, to be reborn another possibility of life or shape. This sacrifice is present in the work of Cesar, we can see altars in which hearts are exposed to unknown and greedy gods, who expect that and more of his victims, women who are offered as gifts to meet their idols. The technology and science fiction, that fantasy of challenge and overcome God is a philosophy of images, that in many cases, there are the apocalyptic vision of this literature. But unlike science fiction, Cesar does not depart from the representation of the human figure, that is the center of his work. The bodies of women, someone who is removed from the chest the heart to show us his humanity behind a gas mask is the lighthouse that Cesar is not far to locate his work as a research building scenes to invent disturbing chapters.

Reality is not a problem, Cesar is not realistic, though his recreation of the human figure has all the care of proportion which denotes a good picture and a mastery of stroke, the painting of Cesar is at work to invent a world. In order to do that he is able to gather various characters together and he works for everyone to have the presence necessary to provide and maintain the set a difficult balance and harmony. The red backgrounds, with fleeting strokes, phrases and shadows create an aura that makes the spectral figures of a world in shock.
In some works, Cesar leaves the line drawn in the foreground on backgrounds that describe the soul of his characters, these backgrounds in red that are torn, which nullify the presence of something else to leap into the the desolation, this is a radiography of the depth of pain. In the background can be guessed buildings, structures are sensed beforehand, but that does not matter in a street and that loneliness goes unnoticed.

Cesar is not satisfied with what he sees, it is not enough this world that has not been given, he needs to invent another and he also needs to renew with each painting.

Vedere più a proposito di Cesar Aguilar (Raçe)

Visualizzare tutte le opere
Pittura | 39,4x31,5 in
1.180,35 USD
Olio su Tela | 39,4x39,4 in
5.815,5 USD
Olio | 19,7x23,6 in
2.007,73 USD
Pittura su Tela | 44,9x47,2 in
5.815,5 USD


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